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Full Version: Autoban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: A few days ago.
Time: Unsure.
Admin: Autoban
Additional Info: N/A
Situation: Just wanted to say something along the lines of "N what?" and boom permaban w/o warning... I'm black too, so it's extra dumb in a sense.

If I were to make a suggestion, I'd say you should leave the autoban feature out of your server; there are only a handful of servers alive for euro players and being banned indefinitely without admin warning for something as simple as a word seems hurtful to the active community. I have been a part of racial and religious discrimination a lot, and never saw anyone get autobanned for it. Just my 2 cents. (Edit: Being called a filthy peasant by the forums itself could have offended me a lot more than the N word ever could. If your aim is to guard against sensitive words, consistency is key.)
The autoban system will make a ban for racist language that lasts 7 days

However based on your post, I'm going to change this to 30 days.

Firstly, it's irrelevant of your own ethnicity. The autoban is obviously word based - without context.
You must also appreciate that "I'm black too" etc., is one of the most common excuses we see. I wouldn't even want to hazard a guess at how many people are simply lying, to justify their stance.
If you're after a warning then the server welcome message, the server rules spam and aside from that just fucking common sense and courtesy when visiting a server as a guest. I don't know.. if you walked up to a stranger in the street and called them a cunt, they punched you in the face, would you also complain that they hadn't issued a warning first? Take some fucking responsibility for your actions.

Perhaps if you find the term "filthy peasant" - a rank based on number of posts in the forum, offensive. You shouldn't be playing chivalry, since this game itself contains "filthy peasants". We're not trying to stop all insults and colourful language, we're just drawing the line at racist language, which by majority clanvote we believe crosses a line. As a guest on the server we don't really care what your opinion is on how you think the server should be run. Your justification for racist language, simply shows that you haven't even grasped the basics of how to behave in public.

The reason the server is one of a handful alive is because of the strict rules and admin presence. That's the thing too, there's always those attention seeking kiddies that merrily troll by trying to be as offensive as possible. Those that think racist language is being edgy and cool. Happily the autoban system also takes care of those players because they just don't seem to be able to help themselves.

Having written this I was toying between permanent or 30 days. I've opted for 30 days. It'll give you a chance to think about your actions or justifications.

....and finally: I wrote this to try and explain why you're in the wrong. It's not an invitation for debate or putting across your own straw-man justifications. I simply don't care. However if you do feel the urge to post back, the ban gets changed to permanent.
Understanding you and how you run this, you'll probably delete this and ban my forum account, but I'm saving it.

Wow, this was extremely painful to read and react to.

I get called liar, I get "told" why I'm in the wrong, I am threatened like a naughty child that the ban will now be 30 days or perm if I DARE respond, and I am told that my opinions don't count for shit because you are apparently too immature to consider constructive criticism that was worded politely and carefully. Did you have a fight with your wife perhaps? PMS? Erectile disfunction? Maybe that is why you need to enforce your fake authority on others, to feel manly again? For the sake of being more serious, this is no way to treat a "guest", which in this forum apparently means "worthless scrub we don't give shit about".

No, I don't get offended by being called a "filthy peasant", and I certainly don't need you to tell me what game I should or should not play. You probably missed the part where I said "COULD get offended" in your text-rage, you know, because I was trying to exhibit my point.

If you seriously mean, with the support of your clan members as well (I'm assuming you are the leader or founder, as anybody else with the responsibility to represent a group of people wouldn't be such a huge arrogant and unprofessional cock about this) that saying "As a guest on the server we don't really care what your opinion is on how you think the server should be run" is anywhere decent thing to say in a human society, I'm afraid to say you have no idea how constructive criticism (something I had to keep bringing up in the first place) works in a functioning group. I have no interest in your server other than the fact that it's another server to play on when people are in it, and I would never tell you how to run it. I was giving you "customer feedback". Imagine some customer service saying the same to a customer's face, unbelievable.

I'll ignore the toxicity and just address the issue like a grown up; If you ever listen to a black rap song you will hear the word "N" tossed around a lot, it has turned into a jargon and is sometimes surprisingly a sign of solidarity between friends; just like a guy calling his girlfriend "her bitch" while they both laugh about it. That is no racist or offensive language, context matters. Autoban doesn't adhere to context, and that is why ban appeals matter, and since this clan is apparently run by insecure manchildren, you get permabanned instead, just for saying "the oh-so-dreadful N word" in the end.

So yeah, permaban me, after 30 days I won't be around anyway, and me and my friends would rather not play than to play in your server at this point.
not bothering to read the above. However will now set the ban to perma. closing thread
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