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Full Version: Ban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: begining of august
Time: late
Admin who issued the ban : unknown
Additional information: unknown
Situation: made ban apeal at 3.8 and still banned please unbann me, i swear to play honest


We still need to lift this ban. It just needs to have a server restart.
To explain, it couldn't lifted through the console in the normal fashion as your name at the time was "₪۞" which obviously we couldn't enter.

I've restarted the server and removed the ban, let me know if you still have problems connecting
^^ ro he int tked me earlier today Also he is probably an alt (lets call it my spidey senses)

but i would be willing to lay real money on him ending up being banned again. (just a hunch)

While i'm here...MonkeyFiend could you ask Wisdom not to verbally abuse me in the server. I do not care about losing indeed i enjoy the entertainment but when he starts smack talking personal stuff that just shows what kind of shit he really is.

I know Wisdom is locked in and protected (wont say anymore smile.gif ) But would be nice if you at least kept a leash on him.

QUOTE (KANE @ Sep 2 2018, 01:54 PM) *
^^ ro he int tked me earlier today

Well I was in the server at the time. Although you did try to vote him off, he did say that there was an enemy near, which you obviously doubted. No one else who was there to witness this corroborated either for or against this. The vote failed.

QUOTE (KANE @ Sep 2 2018, 01:54 PM) *
Also he is probably an alt (lets call it my spidey senses)

As you could probably tell from this post, the ban was lifted. There would be no need to use an alt currently.

QUOTE (KANE @ Sep 2 2018, 01:54 PM) *
but i would be willing to lay real money on him ending up being banned again. (just a hunch)

Perhaps. He was playing when I left the game, he doesn't appear to be banned at the moment

QUOTE (KANE @ Sep 2 2018, 01:54 PM) *
While i'm here...MonkeyFiend could you ask Wisdom not to verbally abuse me in the server. I do not care about losing indeed i enjoy the entertainment but when he starts smack talking personal stuff that just shows what kind of shit he really is.

We do allow a certain level of colourful language, insults included. Looking over the chat logs, apart from the schoolyard style insults of suggesting you are an only child and suggesting that he fucked your mum, am not really seeing anything worth even a kick for.

QUOTE (KANE @ Sep 2 2018, 01:54 PM) *
I know Wisdom is locked in and protected (wont say anymore smile.gif ) But would be nice if you at least kept a leash on him.

Ahhh in one simple yet glorious sentence you're basically implying we, or I, am corrupt. Personally I don't know you and I don't know Wisdom, nor do I particularly care to.
One thing I've always been very keen on is strict obeisance of the rules, and I do note that Wisdom has been banned for some weeks in the past. I made that ban myself.
I would like to think with a few people with issues with Wisdom, if he was breaking the rules e.g. TKing intentionally.. someone would have gleefully posted some single thread of evidence. Hell I've spent pointless hours spectating him on an alt. But no, all we usually get is shitposts. If nothing else you've done a wonderful job at ensuring I don't trust a word you say.
So implying that we're corrupt - either you believe this in which case why are you playing on the server? or you're just trying random jabs. Am not sure what you hope to achieve with that.

So in summary:

If you have an issue with Wisdom breaking the rules. Evidence please, or at the very least someone unbiased backing this up.
If you believe an admin is breaking the rules, post it, again with evidence.
Don't wispily suggest some vague baseless corruption - the most likely outcome of that is going to be a ban for you.

For the sake of transparity, I've put the last couple of months of chat logs on (17mb)

Closing topic.

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