QUOTE (Leading @ Aug 22 2018, 11:03 PM)

hi, I have not found any rule for why Napalm is warning players of the loosing side to leave their position behind winning side after each progress of any map.
Those players are easily to get to, they are using no glitches and I believe it is responsibility of the progressing team to secure their back before progress further or otherwise take the risk to be shot in the back.
I understand such rule at Belmez, where archers camp the wall and you can not get them by melee.
Please tell me your opinion or show me where is this rule written. Thanks.
Have a good one.
Hey L, I'm looking for where I read it.
At the moment I found this in "Chivalry =SM= Members Only" rules post, and maybe I read it and I did not understand well "from an area is not reachable*" (http://www.sneakymonkeys.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2615):
10-> Spawnkilling ;
No spawnkilling from an area that is not reachable*And this in other "Chivalry =SM= Members Only" post talking about Spawn killing too (http://www.sneakymonkeys.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2616&st=0):
Lets make this clear for everyone.
Where player/s were staying behind enemy line and killing enemy on their spawn should not allowed.
All Maps are included.
Consider this question where enemies are archers or enemies are using balista, catapult, firepot on spawn point. I think this last doesn't affect u L bc i didn't saw u with archer, balista, catapult or firepot, but it could happens and i assume u are talking like melee Vanguard.
But at the same time I think I remember seeing a post where it said that when the map went ahead and F1 appeared to go to the next spawn, the defenders had to do F1 and go to their next spawn, right now I can't find it and I don't remember where I saw it, I think that exists that post, but as I don't find it at the moment I apologize for the misunderstanding, I will try to find the post I'm talking about.
If someone remembers that post or something about doing F1 when the map advances I would appreciate it to answer with it and we can read it and talk about it, in my opinion I don't see fair that archers are behind the spawn attacker in DrunkenBazaar and when spawn, you have two enemies shooting/hitting you without having the option to go for them, because you don't have time to fight them before they kill you, which happens in several maps.
It is also a waste of time to have to go behind your own spawn to look who has been left behind, either to fight or just to waste the time of the attacking team so they can't finish the map.
In short, I'm sorry if the rule I've been putting in practice is not written as such (by the "unreachable area" or the weapon range), I'll change my warning phrase to still warn archers, ballista, catapult or firepot behind the spawn
Edit: ok, i was looking an old post, i find now the new post
http://www.sneakymonkeys.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2620 and talk about non reachable areas only as rules in public post say, L was right, i was confused with the other post, mayb can be deleted? to avoid confussions