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Full Version: Banned for saying the N word
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: around 3 weeks ago
Time: in the evening or late afternoon i think (GTM +1)
Admin who issued the ban : Autoban
Additional information: NA

3 weeks ago, a guy came in the server with a french racist name towards arabians people. Apparently upset that nobody was caring about it, another guy signaled it to the admin through the chat, explaining the sense of his name in french. It's when one (the same ? i don't remember) said "It's like saying nigger for a black" that i learnt that there was an autoban for this on your server (making me laugh a lot btw, as no one, including admins, seemed to care for a guy banned for pointing out a racist name and explaining it, but maybe you went throught this after or behind the scenes, so i thought he was just gonna be able to come back the next game as all kicks)
Then various discussions between player, admins, me etc... about the usefulness of a autoban and about contexts (as the example before proves)
Finally, when i left, I decided to troll by saying the n word to be autokicked

What a surprise when I tried to come back a moment ago and saw that i was still banned
So i'm asking for a deban, as a permaban seems harsh to me, and knowing that you get a perma ban for this, i will for sure not say it again, altough i'm don't agree with this policy but that's not the point here

Sir Robin (not so brave)
First of all, auto-bans aren't permanent at the moment. Your ban was for 30 days and will expire on 2018-08-30.

I am not sure what to make of your story though. I hope you don't expect the bot to know each racist slur in every language.

Bots aside, admins aren't versed in all languages either. And we won't kick or ban some player just because some other player told us to. We need time to see if the allegations are true or not. Also, sometimes we do miss stuff in the chat, because we are playing a game. And even if we saw the chat and started doing something about it, it doesn't mean that we'll say what we're doing in the chat.

So I really don't understand why you decided that it's a good idea to troll.
QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Aug 19 2018, 05:51 PM) *
First of all, auto-bans aren't permanent at the moment. Your ban was for 30 days and will expire on 2018-08-30.

Oh i thought it was, seeing how long it lasts

QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Aug 19 2018, 05:51 PM) *
I am not sure what to make of your story though. I hope you don't expect the bot to know each racist slur in every language.

Bots aside, admins aren't versed in all languages either. And we won't kick or ban some player just because some other player told us to. We need time to see if the allegations are true or not. Also, sometimes we do miss stuff in the chat, because we are playing a game. And even if we saw the chat and started doing something about it, it doesn't mean that we'll say what we're doing in the chat.

The story itself doesn't present any interest, it's just to see the context.
But that's exactly why i'm pointing what you're talking about, to show that first, the bot is so weak that's it's ridiculous and even sometimes, counter productive (the guy who explained the insult who got autobanned, probably cause he didn't know about the autokick). To me, it would be better to kick/ban manually players whose messages are clearly racist and not joking when you're here
For the end, I totally agree with you and appreciate that you take time to be the fairest possible

QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Aug 19 2018, 05:51 PM) *
So I really don't understand why you decided that it's a good idea to troll.

I thought I would be kicked just for a game or for some hours maximum
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (QuanticDisaster @ Aug 19 2018, 08:11 PM) *
Oh i thought it was, seeing how long it lasts

We are still tweaking the auto bans. Shortly after your ban we reduced them to 14 days, but it's not final. I will remove your ban next time I join the server.

QUOTE (QuanticDisaster @ Aug 19 2018, 08:11 PM) *
The story itself doesn't present any interest, it's just to see the context.
But that's exactly why i'm pointing what you're talking about, to show that first, the bot is so weak that's it's ridiculous and even sometimes, counter productive (the guy who explained the insult who got autobanned, probably cause he didn't know about the autokick). To me, it would be better to kick/ban manually players whose messages are clearly racist and not joking when you're here

You can and should read our server rules. You can also read more about why we don't tolerate any racist language in this post. (TL;DR: if we put an exceptions trolls will use it to troll).
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Aug 20 2018, 07:54 AM) *
I will remove your ban next time I join the server.

QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Aug 20 2018, 06:54 AM) *
We are still tweaking the auto bans. Shortly after your ban we reduced them to 14 days, but it's not final. I will remove your ban next time I join the server.

Taking in account that you could have maintained it for the last ten days, thank you

QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Aug 20 2018, 06:54 AM) *
You can and should read our server rules. You can also read more about why we don't tolerate any racist language in this post. (TL;DR: if we put an exceptions trolls will use it to troll).

Now done

Thx for the replies
I think we can consider the topic closed
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