Date: around 3 weeks ago
Time: in the evening or late afternoon i think (GTM +1)
Admin who issued the ban : Autoban
Additional information: NA
3 weeks ago, a guy came in the server with a french racist name towards arabians people. Apparently upset that nobody was caring about it, another guy signaled it to the admin through the chat, explaining the sense of his name in french. It's when one (the same ? i don't remember) said "It's like saying nigger for a black" that i learnt that there was an autoban for this on your server (making me laugh a lot btw, as no one, including admins, seemed to care for a guy banned for pointing out a racist name and explaining it, but maybe you went throught this after or behind the scenes, so i thought he was just gonna be able to come back the next game as all kicks)
Then various discussions between player, admins, me etc... about the usefulness of a autoban and about contexts (as the example before proves)
Finally, when i left, I decided to troll by saying the n word to be autokicked
What a surprise when I tried to come back a moment ago and saw that i was still banned
So i'm asking for a deban, as a permaban seems harsh to me, and knowing that you get a perma ban for this, i will for sure not say it again, altough i'm don't agree with this policy but that's not the point here