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Full Version: get in tk
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi i was playing on the serv,
I get int tk 3 time by bad karma:
It was int tk: no enemy around I just block a few time his attacks, no attack on my side, then I let him kill me hoping admin ban him (at least kick this garbage), so i ask admin in the chat (robin was here) no response then he tk again and again so I change team and ask robin for some admin management (I don't blame admin(s) at all) nothing happen but I get vote kick cause the guy say I talk too much in chat...
Come on, I'm agree to fight and tk him myself but or intentional tkers (with several int tk) get ban/kick or let us tk them back then. You can't let intentional tkers in game and not allow us to fight them.
The Malefic Trout
And how would you imagine we would determine who actually started the fight and who only 'fought back'? Should we simply trust the regulars? I can only imagine the abuse that would ensue.
I'm sorry, but this will never happen. Our rules are simple because they're fair, reasonable and convenient for everybody (especially for us). I'm not going to be spending 5 minutes every half a minute to start an investigation on who started that fight and why. I see intentional teamkilling? I warn or lift the banhammer and that's it.

All this would lead to is chaos.

And the best thing you can do in the future is launch FRAPS or any similar software, record it, post it on YT then post it here. It barely takes any effort to do that.

Also, one more thing: due to how crappy the spectator's mode is it takes time! to find the right player and observe him. So don't expect an instant admin intervention, it takes some time.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi elmuira. I saw your messages in the chat. For the initial ones I didn't understand you're talking about intentional TK. When I did understand this (the two of you were already on different teams), I switched to spectator mode and started watching this player. I didn't say anything in the chat so not to tip him/her that I'm watching.

However, he must have expected this, because I didn't see him breaking the rules at all. I also thing this was a smurf account, because he seemed to fight too well for a mid-rank player. So I suppose that if he TKed you 3 times, it was on purpose. Still, I couldn't do anything because I didn't see him do anything.

As Trout advised you, your best option is to record this kind of behavior.
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