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Full Version: I cant believe it....
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: 8/8/2018

Time: 20:45. Spanish hour.


Admin who issued the ban: I think Nexton

Additional information: Catch right after the ban:
Another catch: (Maybe it has been a confusion with another player? Because it was not me who he wanted to kick).

Situation: Hello everyone. You see, I was playing this afternoon so calmly (as I always do) and being on the map "kingsgarden", with Malrick dead and at the end of the map, an archer of my team began to shoot arrows at me. He shot me 2 arrows to try to kill me and then I defended myself. Everyone knows that there is always someone who tries to kill you when you finish the map. Anyway, right on the next map, "Belmez", admin "nexton" has banned me 1 week (I think) for this (Incredible, 1 week for that reason?). I do not know if the other player is a friend of nexton or not, but everyone knows that I am not a small child and that I play to have fun and always avoid tks. In any case, and if this has been the reason for my ban, I apologize for it, and I can assure that it will not happen again because of the mistakes I can learn. So, I´m waiting your response Nexton, thank you all in advance. Greetings.

PD- Sorry for my bad english.
Hi Prosti. Firstly I'd like to start off by saying it's nothing personal at all, as you seem to imply. I do not know the archer in question, he was a random level 15 (?) player.

I was right there when it happened. We had an enemy archer behind our spawn, and you and I both went for him. I got him, and at the same time, you got hit by a friendly archer who was, I presume, foolishly aiming for the enemy archer. He then proceeded to shoot another arrow at you for some reason (panic when he saw you coming?). The archer was obviously in the wrong regardless. Now, the match only ended after you went back and killed the archer, and then called him a "fuking noob".

I don't know why you keep mentioning the match was over when it really wasn't. Not only was I there to witness it all, you TKing him also shows up in the killfeed on the picture that I have, which means the match was still going. Now I probably should have just given you a verbal warning, but as a regular you should know the rules better. I might lift this ban tomorrow, but I'd suggest not getting agitated by newbies in the future.
Hi Nexton. First of all, thx for the reply.

I think that you are absolutely right about my bad answer in the chat. Thanks for the piece of advice. I am a very competitive player and sometimes I get "angry" with things like this. biggrin.gif. It's something that I should change. From now on I will take it more calmly. All of us can fail sometimes but you know me of playing a lot and you know that I just want fun and not problems. Thanks again cya in chiv!!.

PD- Srry for my english biggrin.gif
I am sorry for all my salt against noobs as well. I welcome any tricks how you guys manage it. It is hard for me in the heat of ruined tryhardness =) Lately, I found myself attacking and then feinting them or just throwing axes to the ground to relief the anger lol. Yeah, I feel stupid for my actions.
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