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Full Version: Very old ip ban
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Two years ago, in the period of early August' days I was banned. I confess, I was playing with bare hands and was hitting other players for about 5 minutes (other players were doing similarly). Two years gave me much time to reflect about my mistakes. I swear, I am very regretting it. I promise a total subordination to the rules prevailing on the server.
I would like to have a good time with you again!
Please, in simple words: "Unban me!"...

-My nick was "Richard the Lionheart" ("Richard Cœur de Lion" sometimes).
-Probable period of getting the ban: 5-13 August 2016
-My steam account:
The Malefic Trout
Hey man!

This is Darwin's ban, so we need to wait up to 72 hours for him to decide what should be done.

BTW, you've got a good memory - you got banned on the 10th of August. smile.gif

Take care!
The Malefic Trout
Hello again!

You should be able to join now. Please read the rules carefully before you jump right back in:

See you!
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