Aug 4 2018, 11:28 AM
Some dudes from Aofa made things bad and were not nice with otherones.
From Aofa, i was automaticly Ip ban from SM serv
Too bad, because i like this serv and i'm triyng to make chiv alive as soon as i can
Was 1 week ago, when Drunk cat started to break his nervs
Anyway. If it is possible to put off this perma ip ban, i will happy.
Thanks in advance
ZnÖrT -=Aofa=-
Aug 5 2018, 10:02 AM
J'en appelle au fameux Duc du foutre, aide moi, mon anglais est mauvais, surtout que j'me met trop la race actuellement pour parler ne serait-ce que pitoyablement anglais
Donc, ban, bla bla, parceque chuis un Aofa parmi tant d'autre, etc bon, fais chier d'jouer sur des servs de merde Si y'a moyen de faire quelque chose, je t'en serai moult reconnaissant
A bientot, foutre
Aug 10 2018, 01:39 PM
this ban should be lifted already