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Full Version: ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: 2 days ago
Time: pronto
Steam: ₪۞
Admin who issued the ban : unknown
Additional information: unknown
Situation: i aimed with my axe on the cart and hit some body of my team get banned, plz apologies
i dont know who was hit but i am realy sorry, please let me enter the server

The Malefic Trout
Hello again.

This is a netid ban as as such there's no reason given, so we can't confirm this is what you were banned for.

Anyway, you're going to have to wait up to 3 days for the admin who made that ban to decide what to do next. If they don't show up your ban will be lifted (at least for now). Please be patient.
This is my ban. It can be removed.
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