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Full Version: Brian's Application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Brian Boru
Greetings Monkeys,
I applied before about two years when the recruitment was closed and recently I thought maybe if I apply when their actually taking people on, my chances would increase so here I am.
For those of you that do not know me my real name is Kevin im 19 and living in Ireland my hobbies include spinning in circles with my messer and killing archers.
But in all seriousness ive wanted to join SM for a while and I pretty much only play on your server, would enjoy being able to help keep a bit of order on it.
Im currently level 49 and hoping ye will make the right choice xo

Edit: Ive logged 1086 hours of chivalry so far and if I had to guess id say about 700 of those hours on the SM server.

i mean hjah ok
QUOTE (Brian Boru @ Jul 27 2018, 07:19 PM) *
Edit: Ive logged 1086 hours of chivalry so far and if I had to guess id say about 700 of those hours on the SM server.

527.98 hours on the server tongue.gif

That's basically 22 days ohmy.gif

but aside from that. welcome smile.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Welcome Bwian Bowu! smile.gif
Brian Boru
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Jul 27 2018, 09:15 PM) *
527.98 hours on the server tongue.gif

That's basically 22 days ohmy.gif

I seen that as well but apparently gametracker only shows the time played with the name you searched and doesn't take previous nicknames by that player into account tongue.gif
527 probably isn't too far off I suppose, also thanks for the welcomes smile.gif
What took you so long wink.gif
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