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Full Version: FUCK YOU ROTOR
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Mi-Molles Drunk Cat

K thnx bai

Here you are, matching your new colour biggrin.gif
See from my perspective, all I ever see is random accusations. If there's an actual problem, especially one that seems to be consistent and deep set, then I would have expected there be screenshots/recordings etc., by now, probably from multiple parties.

But as usual all I ever see is uncorroborated pissyness.

I'll attach full chat logs for the last couple of days, but I've looked through them. Can't see anything in chat from rotor/wisdom that would be problematic. You on the otherhand:
[Edit: chat log for last few days:]
18-07-25 21:35:24    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    u can always have sex with a female admin
- yeah that sort of incel asshattery will get you banned.
18-07-25 21:40:48    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    good job wisdom like fuck your mother

18-07-25 21:43:37    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    wisdom like silence deserves death in real life
- :/

Also to be clear, I'd class the following as recruiting:

18-07-25 07:18:03    @12401 [Lg | Stinker] to ALL:    last week i join the AoFA server and i say can i be the AoFA and they say you need the boss where is the boss? Do you know drunk cat
18-07-25 07:18:09    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    je suis quelqu'un de bas
18-07-25 07:18:15    @10867 [Jean-Baptiste Loli] to ALL:    jai vu ca
18-07-25 07:18:17    @10867 [Jean-Baptiste Loli] to ALL:    ahah
18-07-25 07:18:33    @781 [=SM= Airwayne] to ALL:    fucking hell
18-07-25 07:18:39    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    xD
18-07-25 07:18:48    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    okay stinker
18-07-25 07:18:57    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    just search demon
18-07-25 07:19:02    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    on group aofa
18-07-25 07:19:03    @781 [=SM= Airwayne] to ALL:    fuck you
18-07-25 07:19:08    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    open my profile
18-07-25 07:19:12    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    and search groups
18-07-25 07:19:20    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    and you'll find him eventually
18-07-25 07:19:23    @40008 [romanzombiekiller] to ALL:    SORRY
18-07-25 07:19:25    @41175 [GameSquid02] to TEAM:    Sorry whoever I killed
18-07-25 07:19:25    @781 [=SM= Airwayne] to ALL:    !rules
18-07-25 07:19:27    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    even though he's nothere lately
18-07-25 07:19:37    @781 [=SM= Airwayne] to ALL:    "No recruiting for your clan"
18-07-25 07:19:40    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    im just giving directions to demon
18-07-25 07:19:43    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    im not recruiting
18-07-25 07:19:57    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    im a regular i know trhe rules

The above recruiting could have been done on private message via steam, rather than publically on a different clans server.

To be honest I'm getting a bit sick of the recent dealings with AoFA as a whole. Especially with speedhackers ( - video of AoFA speedhacker here

AoFA members have been nothing but trouble recently, am giving serious consideration to removing this entire clan from the server.
The Malefic Trout
118-07-25 21:43:37    @384 [-=] AoFA [=- Drunk Cat] to ALL:    wisdom like silence deserves death in real life

I personally would ban your silly ass for that sentence alone, what are you twelve to say stuff like this?
Fightdrug *-*
searched the topics because i had time

i cant believe what i read to think that cat was a admin in the AoFA clan with that respectless behavior of him ohmy.gif i just can say that the members of the AoFA clan are nice people but every clan have his bad cows cow.png so if there are any future problems with a AoFA member you can come everytime to me that i know when someone is respectless as guest on a server smile.gif so i can hit him with a long stick hitting.gif
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Jul 26 2018, 01:33 PM) *
AoFA members have been nothing but trouble recently, am giving serious consideration to removing this entire clan from the server.

I support this. I play very little nowadays but eerytime I see one of their clan members there's shit going on with or by them.
Fightdrug *-*
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Oct 27 2020, 12:10 PM) *
I support this. I play very little nowadays but eerytime I see one of their clan members there's shit going on with or by them.

hm... about what members you talking ? ^^
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