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Full Version: bryks's application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
MAA main. I play by hitting enemies that are distracted by a teammate and I try to follow good players. I also retreat to get my health back and try to stay out of range from archers. It would be cool to team up with someone and coordinate attacks.

I'm in NA region so my ping isn't as nice :[ but I hope there will be a Sneaky Monkey's server here in the future.

So much salt and death in this game it's so beautiful. I really want the game and community to grow this game feels underrated and has so much potential. I hope to be part of some organised events.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi bryks and welcome to the forum!

Chivalry is a great game. It was first released on October 16, 2012 so it's getting quite old now. It's unlikely that it's going to get more popular with time. That said, there are still enough players to make it enjoyable.

We accept new members by voting, so it would help if we have played with you. We ask that people have spent at least 200 hours in our server before they apply. I would suggest you do that to increase your chances of getting accepted. Your ping might be a problem though, as we normally allow pings of up to 180 ms.

Cheers, and see you soon on the battlefield.
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