I just saw this morning that you have a SSL certificate, which is good, but you have at least three problems with it:
1/ You have no 301 (permanent) redirections, which is bad because an user can forget to use HTTPS or even doesn't know why he should. Also, you get now better results for forcing HTTPS for Google (best ranking).
2/ When you use HTTPS version of the website, my web browser is complaining because some parts isn't under HTTPS, probably some URL or images.
3/ The smaller problem which is still one, you doesn't seems to say to your webserver to use the last CIPHER Suites: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.htm...;hideResults=on
I know the website works but I just saw that this morning.
I heard you have some peoples in IT but if you need help (maybe they don't have times), you can ask me and I'll if I can.