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Full Version: I want to join your clan !
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello SM clan,

I would like to join your clan, so this is me:

I'm koshie, 26 years old, I'm not a native english speaker (France) but I can speak with you (text & vocal, but I have to warn you, my accent is terribly bad). If I want to join an english clan it's because I'm always trying to improve my english.

I'm a Linux System Administrator, I'll play mostly week-end, rarely in the week. If I join you, and if you have a membership fee I'll be fine with it.

I don't have 200 hours on this game, around 60, also I didn't played much that 5 or 6 hours on your server. But after reading the rules and saw a little bit how it was, I think your server is more than fine to me. I agree with your rules by the way. So I guess you'll postpone my recruitment but it's fine. I'm primary looking for peoples to play with, it's just more fun!

I'm a nice guy, if I rage I'm just leaving the game and I'm not looking for troubles, sometimes I fall in a troll trap but I usualy doens't go too far with them. I never got VAC ban by steam too, I prefer be a newbie rather than cheat to win biggrin.gif !

About my class, I like archer/crossbow man and man-at-arms, doesn't really like the heavy type. If I had to put a name to my C:MW skills, I'll say I'm an enlighted newbie.

I have Teamspeak, Mumble and Discord, plus a good microphone.

If you need more about me, feel free to ask!

The Malefic Trout
Why hello there, koshie, welcome to the forum smile.gif you sound like a jolly fellow and that's always welcome in the community.

There is plenty of IT folks around here, so you should have no issues finding someone to talk about this stuff with.

As for the recruitment itself, first of all it's nice that you actually have gone through the requirements - that itself is praiseworthy. As you have noticed though, yes the process will have to be postponed since you don't (unfortunately) meet the requirements which are a bare minimum. But don't get discouraged, keep on playing, feel free to discuss anything you like on this forum, and one day, some day, we should get right back to it. smile.gif

Have a nice evening! : )
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