I would like to join your clan, so this is me:
I'm koshie, 26 years old, I'm not a native english speaker (France) but I can speak with you (text & vocal, but I have to warn you, my accent is terribly bad). If I want to join an english clan it's because I'm always trying to improve my english.
I'm a Linux System Administrator, I'll play mostly week-end, rarely in the week. If I join you, and if you have a membership fee I'll be fine with it.
I don't have 200 hours on this game, around 60, also I didn't played much that 5 or 6 hours on your server. But after reading the rules and saw a little bit how it was, I think your server is more than fine to me. I agree with your rules by the way. So I guess you'll postpone my recruitment but it's fine. I'm primary looking for peoples to play with, it's just more fun!
I'm a nice guy, if I rage I'm just leaving the game and I'm not looking for troubles, sometimes I fall in a troll trap but I usualy doens't go too far with them. I never got VAC ban by steam too, I prefer be a newbie rather than cheat to win

About my class, I like archer/crossbow man and man-at-arms, doesn't really like the heavy type. If I had to put a name to my C:MW skills, I'll say I'm an enlighted newbie.
I have Teamspeak, Mumble and Discord, plus a good microphone.
If you need more about me, feel free to ask!