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Full Version: Don't know why I've been banned
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi I've been banned a few days ago, but I really don't know why. Could you tell me when and why it has been done please ? ...and if I can be unbanned, SM is the only server I play in chivalry....
Thanks for answering
Monseigneur Duc du Foutre

Like I stated in the reason of your ban, you got banned for kicking friends.

More specifically harrasing the flag bearer in Belmez.

Anyway, your ban was about to expire so I just removed it so you can play when you wish.

Don't know what went through your mind when you kicked a friend several times but please follow the rules and we should all be fine.
the stage of the flag was finished.... the guy who was holding the flag was just standing on place during more than 5 mins without helping the team to fight... as better as an afk guy. That's why I was kicking him, somebody unusefull to the team. I don't think you prefer people who polllute your server by such behavior...
Monseigneur Duc du Foutre
I'm tempted to ask you if you are serious with such a response but since you bother writing, I guess you are.

So :

1 : It doesnt matter the stage we are on, if someone wants to pick up the flag because he thinks its fun, why the hell should you care ?

2 : The flag bearer wasnt afk, we were talking in steam

3 : You kicked him several times, and caused another guy to also attack and kill him

4 : I don't give a flying f... if you think someone is afk, useless or whatever, Team dammage on purpose isnt allowed in any form in our server. If you think an afk player is ruining your game, simply vote him

Thank you in advance for following our rules and STOP kicking teamates because that isnt the first time I see you do so.
loin de moi l'id�e de me prendre la t�te avec toi mais comment peux tu dire que tu m'as d�j� vu kick des mecs alors que je ne n'avais pas cette commande de programm�e avant ?? ..... et si je ne respectais pas les r�gles du serveur, tu m'aurais ban depuis tr�s longtemps, d'o� mon incompr�hension. Enfin inutile de discuter, tu es admin, pas moi wink.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (Tiitosh @ Mar 3 2018, 11:43 AM) *
the stage of the flag was finished.... the guy who was holding the flag was just standing on place during more than 5 mins without helping the team to fight... as better as an afk guy. That's why I was kicking him, somebody unusefull to the team. I don't think you prefer people who polllute your server by such behavior...

On top of what Duc already said, and assuming the player was really AFK, I wonder how your kicking is useful for your team? Even if you TK him he'll respawn in the same team and will still be AFK, so it doesn't help. And instead of you helping your team, you're kicking an AFK player... so that makes two of you who aren't helpful.
Wow, just read this now. Dude, if that's your attitude then our server is clearly not for you. If this is your favourite, then you must have noticed we like to have fun. This game can be incredibly humorous and wacky at times, which is why it's so fantastic. And the SM community in particular embrace this. And by the way, there is a huge difference between griefing and trolling, and trolling is most certainly welcome here. It's one of the things that make Chivalry what it is. If you can't lighten up and have some fun, then maybe you should look for another server?
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