QUOTE (Mi-Molles Drunk Cat @ Feb 4 2018, 05:05 PM)

Unjustly banned by rotor aswell, by a game of wisdom like silence and rotor.
I got twice 100h and didn't even want to defend myself against these bans since i couldn't win against an admin, but now i see others are being hurt by this prejudgemental acting by rotor, which is btw a poor admin seeimingly being admin only to please himself.
I won't go back on my bans, since they were justified for grieving, but i have done my time a long time ago. What is injustice in this case that the other player, aka WISDOM like silence didn't get anything ( while grieiving on multiple occasions and even tking which trigered me into a tk against him resluting a ban for me). Anyways I have done my time i'm at peace with this but please don't let it happen to other players so please veteran members, i urge you to take actions!
edit note: i just discovered lots of more stuff
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcE3n36_Mpwthis video only should get Wisdom like silence a perma ban since all of us have been banned unjustly for a lot minor things. and i really wonder how did rotor and wisdom go under radar like that ???? are guys blind with all the evidence gaytoune gathered. You should make an example, i saw Monkey Fiend mentioning regulars get harsher punishments since they know the rules, what happens when the most regular ones are above the rules ?
I call for disowning rotor and perma ban on wisdom like silence.
HI again,
It was brought to my attention that i might've shot myself in the foot in the process of my admin application. I want to make things clear so none prejudgemental facts are taken against me.
First of all, I maybe dislike Wisdom like Silence, but don't fret, i also dislike Guytoune for being a horrible backstabber. I don't think Wisdom would attack Guytoune on purpose and ex nihilo, he must hate the guy. Also lots of people hate Guytoune and his guts which are non-existant in melee and Guytoune you should really stop watching everyone, you can't ban everyone thus chivalry has rules and they have to be observed, don't forget it's just a game, so leave aside your authority complexes and just stop doing these for minor offences (arręte d'etre un fayot).
Now, although I have been banned twice, I'd like to remind everyone that I have done my time and I have atoned for my past faults in which the situaton is clearly mentionned in the quoting above. I know that you think that TD is forbidden in any circumstance which is a good thing, but I also know that you understand the situation I have been in. The crimes atoned and admitted makes me able to talk about them in a law/rule fashion example, I know most of you guys know me, you can judge all my positive actions throughout the server not only the negative side for whom I repented a long time ago and for which I am sorry. But this is not the point here, in the view of the server rules I'm not insulting anyone or am I revoking an admin decision, a decision that i accepted fully, I am only using facts from my own case in hope to have a better gaming experience for everyone by trying to relieve the server from obnoxious players.
By writing this I'm staying true to myself, even though some of the admins don't like it and will see this situation, as one wise man said Black or White. I totaly understand if my commentary is taken in balance to decide yourself, yet I'm not going back on my statements as something has to be done about the case Wisdom Like Silence/Rotor, which providing the evidence is going to be hopefully an easy task. If you don't like my statements or my past I can't help it, I'm not going to hide anything and if the decision is negative I will understand that I simply don't cut it for this task, a task which in my definition is making the game enjoyable for everyone.
Please take in count this post before any rash decision, and I'm sorry in advance (not to guytoune nor wisdom) if I offended anyone or sounded pretentious as I tried to write in the most courtois of manners.
Yer Cat.