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Full Version: appeal for tk ban
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
hello S-M

I have been banned since saturday for teamkilling, and I'm sorry for the disagreement. I also wanted to say that it wasn't actually me who was playing on my account that day, but a friend who was testing the game.
The Malefic Trout
Hello micka,

you were banned for attacking teammates in the spawn at the beginning of a round that happened last Friday late in the evening. After your assault you said something along these lines: 'well it's time for me to go now, bye bye'. Then you'd obviously left before I managed to ban you.

This is technically a ban made by someone else on my behalf and request, so I think I can make a decision myself here.

But before I do, you have to realise that that excuse of yours that it was a friend testing your game is quite absurd and irrelevant to me, since as the old saying goes 'your account your responsibility'.

I am willing to reduce this ban's length to say a week if you come forward and actually promise that it's never going to happen again.

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