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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi Ya'll,

I'm not from the US but I agree with the use of Ya'll. I've never really considered joining a clan on Chiv until the last few months but if there was one to join, it would be with you fine chaps.
I'm 30, living in London and have a microphone. Yep. the world is my oyster. I'll keep it simple, a lot of you guys have seen me about im sure, i've been at the game for quite some time now.

I love the community on the SM server and hope to become a bigger part of that. I'm no megalomaniac and don't entertain the idea of ruining peoples day at all. Chiv does have a great community and that exists in the polite world we live in biggrin.gif Lets keep it that way.

That's me! Message me if you need any more info.

Thank you for your time, goodnight and stay safe ya'll x
Hello and welcome.

A vote has started in our members section, we will let you know soon™.

Good luck!
Hello sorry for the delay. smile.gif Unfortunately, due to most admins not knowing you (well enough), the vote didn't go in your favour. I suggest you try to be more active on the servers and TS biggrin.gif

Okaaaay. Going to get my stalker mode on! Hope to see you all around soon
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