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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Nickname: Priest
Steam profile:
Banned for the reason: spawn killing (administrator AirPlane)
From part believe that suffered undeserved punishment. The rest of the match was about 10 seconds. I killed a player, is that something has changed? Play on the server for a long time, almost always anyone could kill you before the end of the match. Yes, I admit, it is a violation but not serious enough to ban by IP.
based on that post, I wouldn't unban you
Yup, that was my ban. I did not watch the clock when I started making screenshots of your TK; anything like that before the time runs out is a punishable offense. I am pretty sure that I at least kicked you in the past for similar stuff, so I wanted to give you a 200 hour timeout. I accidentally slipped an extra 0 in there, so I was going to manually lift your ban after some time, if you hadn't said anything. Now I don't feel compelled to do so anymore.

See you at the end of February. Have a nice day.
Sorry for my previous post i was so upset that banned because of td at the end of game i know its against the rules and now i regret it can u pls unban me now.
Thank you, that's better. And since the initially planned 200 hours should be over by now, I will unban you as soon as I log in.
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