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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment

My name is Graham and play as FCUK_U_EA (name will come clear later).Im 31 from Reading in England.Been playing BF2 for a couple of years we had a Clan and server until EA wiped all our points because certon members wanted to play Knife and Pistol and that was the end of the Clan.I was never really good at one on one killing so never floated my boat anyway!!Spent must of mt time un my back ,not much differant from now as you my know as ive been on your server a few times this week.I enjoy being commander even when i get Mutany every 5mins(last night)..

After not playing BF2 for a while and what with every server now seeming to be NO VEHICLES,NO CLAYMORES,NO FIGHTING COMMANDERS,NO ARTILLERY,what next no shooting only flag taking... and the fact that my guns seem to be loaded with RUBBER bullets i just want to be in a clan to have a laugh and get away from the nagging wife.

Hope to get invitied to your Clan.

Many thanks

Graham aka FCUK_U_EA
lol, nice name; think it sums up a lot of what people feel about EA at the moment tongue.gif

Out of curiosity, what was the old clan that you were in, if you don't mind me asking?

We do have our main server set to infantry only and the only other major rule is no baserape smile.gif (which people constantly try and break every god damned night!)

Anyway.. the standard thing is that 2 clan members must reply to a recruitment post and then you're let in for a 7 day trial (not based on skill, more just to check everyone gets on with each other etc.,) I've not been on the server the past couple of days, but should be tonight so hopefully will catch you online smile.gif

Hope you don't mind noobtubes btw ;-)
lol or n00bs in general..... gooch*

oh and you need a mic so you can chat us up in ts
don#t you start flirting already magik!
QUOTE(Magik5 @ Feb 21 2008, 04:01 PM) *
lol or n00bs in general..... gooch*

oh and you need a mic so you can chat us up in ts

WHY ME, all the time have some respect for yer elders boy!!

im old enough to be yer dad, and still give out a slap wink.gif tongue.gif
QUOTE(GoochTyke @ Feb 22 2008, 04:21 PM) *
WHY ME, all the time have some respect for yer elders boy!!

im old enough to be yer dad, and still give out a slap wink.gif tongue.gif

No worry Gooch. I´ts our job to babysit the kids in the clan . You know , like the Magik boys. laugh.gif laugh.gif
QUOTE(GoochTyke @ Feb 22 2008, 03:21 PM) *
WHY ME, all the time have some respect for yer elders boy!!

im old enough to be yer dad, and still give out a slap wink.gif tongue.gif

because your the most fun to take this piss out of biggrin.gif laugh.gif

/bends over awaiting spank
hmm compliment?

hey i luv u 2 smile.gif now fookin bend over BITCH ........ LOLOL
I was in a Clan called =UKW= uk warriors,then we changed to =FYEA= when they wipped all our points so you can work out what the letters mean on that.....

Will bet a mic asap

Hope to be a Full member soon.

Do you us BFCC to monitor the server?


FCUK_U_EA aka Graham
Hey there - we use a comination of bf2cc and in-game admin (in game commands like !k to kick etc.,)

Hopefully catch you online soon smile.gif
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