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Full Version: Tims application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment

After a long time of thinking, I've finally decided to see if I could apply to SM. But first, a little about myself.

I'am male, 25 years old (soon 26). I'am currently studying to become a History teacher and have a couple of years left. I have a functional headset so i can talk and listen via etc discord/teamspeak so on.

I like to hang out with friends or play chivalry in my free time. And I thought, since the only chivalry server(almost) I play on is SneakyMonkeys why not give it a try.

Some of you may know me for getting in discussions etc on the server but, if i were to become a member of SM i would do my best to represent SM.

If you have any questions, dont be shy!

Im looking forward to hear your response, cheers!
welcome to the website. We'll start a vote in the member area and let you know as soon as everyone has voted smile.gif
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