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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi! I'm NapalmBukkake a spanish boy of 22 years old, i can talk spanish and english and i love this game and this server.
I would like to be an admin to keep clean the server of bad players and be part of this family that is SM.
I play too other games but this is my favourite game since i know it.
Now im level 44 in the game and i want to learn a lot more about the game smile.gif

I got 350 hours in the SM server and 520 hours of game.
I'm friend of a few usually players, and i play almost everyday.
This is my steam profile:
and my Steam64ID: 76561198255358528

I hope be part of the =SM= family soon biggrin.gif
Hi Mr. Bukkake tongue.gif I've added you on steam
I have accepted u ;D
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Smells like.. [sniffs] bromance!
u wanna join Robin? hahaha tongue.gif
Enhorabuena (congratulations) Napalm!! smile.gif
Gracias (Thank You) Jairon!!! biggrin.gif
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