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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Well hello there smile.gif

Silby here and some of y'all probably know me, avid Chiv fan, chiv 4 lyf I love it and I been sort of a regular on SM for a few months I think? It's the only server I join, exception usually being when it's full. Made a few good acquaintances there, some I'm pretty proud to call friends, which is nice. Love SM for the community, really good people and the admins really seem to care for keeping order and friendliness on the server.

A little about me I guess? I'm a 24 gal studying Java development with family all over the place (relatives in south america and fiance + step-kid in Texas US), used to have a band till everyone started working/studying. I speak fluent Spanish, Swedish and English.

I don't really know what else to say. I'm kinda anxious about mentioning anything about admining as I don't want to sound like I'm just fishing for the position, as I really want to apply mainly for love of the community, which in turn makes me think it'd be cool to be able to keep the community clean and friendly, as it's the aspect I enjoy of it. Despite me joking about how easily corruptible I am, I can solemnly swear on my honor as an Agathian that I'd uphold the law in fair justice with a fist of iron and a heart of gold.

Anyhoo, that's it for me. Whatever your desicion is, I'd be happy and I'll definitely stay a regular. If I'm accepted into the ranks, I have no problem leaving my current clan either, so single n ready to mingle, amirite?

Cheers smile.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi. You'll have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to... oh! Never mind
He shows no regret. Permaban!
Greetings! biggrin.gif
It's nice to see another lady around in the sausage fest that is the Chivalry community tongue.gif
Definitely! Only a matter of time till we take the power, amirite? ;)
Joking aside, thanks for the welcome! ^^

QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Aug 26 2017, 11:25 AM) *
Hi. You'll have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to... oh! Never mind

Oh no... It's for the teabagging isn't it? I never do it to Admins though, I swear!
QUOTE (Silberio @ Aug 26 2017, 07:28 PM) *
Definitely! Only a matter of time till we take the power, amirite? wink.gif
Joking aside, thanks for the welcome! ^^

Oh no... It's for the teabagging isn't it? I never do it to Admins though, I swear!

It was my ban, saw you teabagging Robin. the ban stays perm. bye bye
Bucket, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything. That was rude as hell.
Nice to see that you apply, welcome silby
P.S. Boobs ? (insider between me and silby)
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Aug 28 2017, 12:25 PM) *
Bucket, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything. That was rude as hell.

Gosh, I'm gonna have to get me a witty signature, ain't I?
Welcome! happy.gif
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