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Full Version: Ban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I would like to be unbanned from your server please. In the middle of a match, someone accused someone else of cheating, so I joked and said I was using Game Shark(I wasn't the only one who made this joke). He proceeded to vote kick and everyone hit yes. When I got back into the server I argued that I was kicked for no reason.
Then suddenly after everyone jumped on me inexplicably, I was then banned for using racist language. Right before I was kicked from the other match when the vote went through, I said "lol nig*as tryna steal my game shark". So I assume that may be the reason why although delayed, but I find it a bit excessive to be banned immediately and not even warned about the comment.
I do not say offensive things often at all. If anything, all of my jokes are clean observations and snarky comments. Please understand that I am not a malicious player and have played on this server for years without offending a single person or grief on anyone.
I respect both teams and I'm always there to just to be in on the fun. I love this server and the people in it so it kinda hurts to feel attacked by players and then kicked for a comment I wasn't aware caused that much distain. I'm aware it was against the rules now. But I was not at that time for it had been a very long time since I've read the rules.
I would like to just have fun with people and make them laugh again. So please understand that I have no anger in me and only get joy out of other peoples joy. I want to be a part of the team and create a good mood. I've had my best memories on this server.

Thank you and my sincerest apologies

Steam name: Izuku

Steam ID: 76561198005332965
your story here and what you wrote on are (some what) different.

On that post, you claim you said you didn't use any racist language yet in this post I read something else.

Also please post your steam link not ID, like this :
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi Izuku. It was me who banned you. I normally write my name as part of the ban message, but I must have forgotten to do that.

Here is what happened from my point of view:

There was some noob (probably), accusing players of cheating, because they are better than him. And there were jokes about cheaters as you said. And yes, somebody jokingly kick-voted you for "cheating". But the reason I voted "yes" to that, and I suppose others did too, was because you had relatively high team damage. Something like 25-30% if I remember correctly. You then said the N word and was out before I can ban you. So I banned you after you returned.

Your ban has nothing to do with the cheating jokes or anything like that.

QUOTE (Izuku @ Aug 14 2017, 12:17 AM) *
... but I find it a bit excessive to be banned immediately and not even warned about the comment.

This is one of our general rules. It shows in our welcome screen, along with the no intentional team killing one.

I will remove your ban next time I'm game. In the mean time you can check the rules (link).
Thank you. My story changed because i didnt realize i had even said it because i was kicked at the very moment it was said. And suddenly banned in the next game for it after i forgot about it. My intention was not to lie. I understood after i went through the course of events in my head. Sorry about that. At the time i felt jumped on and was in defensive mode since people started being dicks about kicking me for a simple joke that i made clear wasnt true. Especially when i had one of the games worst scores. As for the team killing, it was out of defense, but im over that.

Either way, thank you. Eager to jump back in.
On that post, you claim you said you didn't use any racist language yet in this post I read something else.

Please understand that if i remembered what i said at the time, i would have mentioned the comment to the admins. I like to put everything out there for honest judgement.

It really bugs me when we try to go out of our way to keep the server adminned and adminned fairly in accordance with basic rules.

Then have some scrote merrily posting on steam forums, TB forums or wherever else about being banned for stupid reasons.
Your ban did not say you were kicked for "Cheating" - the reason pops up when you're kicked from game.

It's most frustrating because if an admin did kick someone for "cheating" I'd be wanting pretty concrete proof of it. If such ban reasons were being misused I'd be all over them.

Anyway if it was up to me, I'd leave this ban as permanent.

Not because you spouted racist language and were rightly banned, but being so sure of yourself to post a shitty "I did no wrong" on a public off site forum.
It's basic lies and it damages the reputation of clan who try to hold the rules to account.

QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Aug 14 2017, 10:12 AM) *
It really bugs me when we try to go out of our way to keep the server adminned and adminned fairly in accordance with basic rules.

Then have some scrote merrily posting on steam forums, TB forums or wherever else about being banned for stupid reasons.
Your ban did not say you were kicked for "Cheating" - the reason pops up when you're kicked from game.

It's most frustrating because if an admin did kick someone for "cheating" I'd be wanting pretty concrete proof of it. If such ban reasons were being misused I'd be all over them.

Anyway if it was up to me, I'd leave this ban as permanent.

Not because you spouted racist language and were rightly banned, but being so sure of yourself to post a shitty "I did no wrong" on a public off site forum.
It's basic lies and it damages the reputation of clan who try to hold the rules to account.

Look i literally thought i did no wrong at the time. I went on the steam forums because i forgot this was a private server. I would have gone here immediately if i remembered. It took an admin to link me here so i could get the idea. Im seriously not trying to cause trouble or disturb anyone. I am actually being honest and pouring my heart out here. I wouldnt be here if i didnt care about getting the truth across. I read the "did no wrong" rule after i stopped seeking you guys on steam. When i read your rules again i agreed with all of it. I would have gone back and deleted my other posts, but i always want to be honest, so i left it there for you guys to reference. Sorry for simply misunderstanding all of it. I dont know how else to apologize. I seriously agree and care about it. I knew i would get this kind of reaction. It's a bummer when i try to tell the truth and open up. Once again i understand that i was wrong at the time now but wasnt lying when i THOUGHT i was just being singled out and i've said it a several times since coming here.
Do i delete the forum post anyway? Because i dont mind finding it. Im actually just trying to make it right. shouldnt my intentions be taken into account? Not just implusive action? I thought you were located on steam and wanted to directly contact you but didnt have any other info than the fact that i was kicked from a 64 person server. If you cant accept the apology for my mistake, then i guess fuck me as always. I'll still be sorry because that's who i am. This isn't a mask i'm putting on.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
For my part, I still think Izuku can be unbanned. Unless MF or other fellow admins are strongly against this I'm going to do that tomorrow evening, to give you guys some time to respond.

Izuku, most of us, and MonkeyFiend in particular, are quite busy with work or school. So I guess it may take him some time to reply.
Thank you. Please pull for me because this is my first banning ever. And it was all a misunderstanding on my part. I dont lie, as odd as it may seem. I'm just sincere about what i believe. From now on i know where to go if i have a problem. Though i would not cause any from here on.
If i knew you guys had your own forum i would have come here instead and maybe avoided this whole thing. My intentions are always true and am willing to understand when im wrong. I just wish i was able to catch on the ban was from the former match and not because everyone accused me of cheating. That was the topic so i wrongfully connected the 2. I deleted the steam post and informed everyone I was wrong. If there were any damages, im an artist and i can work for free lol. I really wanna do right by you guys in any way. I know im trying too hard but it's because i know my side of the story and it seems some are misinterpreting the course of events. I have a lot of misfortune in communication. But i belong here. And no matter the choice i'll keep coming back to open up and apologize. (Though i might just get banned from here too). Still sorry from the pit of my anxious stomach.
I agree with MF, though a (long)temp ban I feel is more suited.
QUOTE (Bucket @ Aug 14 2017, 01:52 PM) *
I agree with MF, though a (long)temp ban I feel is more suited.

I get it. There needs to be an example. But i honestly feel im being punished for not knowing specific information. I was trying to find you in the wrong place and thought i got banned for something else. I didnt understand it was a delayed ban. If i knew everything i know now i would have accepted without question. But either way please get that im not an asshole who jumps to conclusions no matter how it seems. Just a guy who was having fun one day and got caught in a crap sequence of events from a game shark joke and another throw away joke i quickly forgot about out of frustration. Any damaging to your name is intirely unintentional. I didnt even know the exact name of your server. Just that i wanted to find the admins. Im totally putting my foot in mouth i know. Im not angry and im not trying promote hostility. I just wanna say everything i feel. Any lesson that needed learning, i learned it the moment i realized why i was banned and then even more so when MF made his claim. I respect all of you for the work you put in and the fact you actually reply. I'll leave you alone and this is my last sorry for now but not my last thank you. Much love guys.
QUOTE (Izuku @ Aug 14 2017, 03:06 PM) *
I get it. There needs to be an example. But i honestly feel im being punished for not knowing specific information. I was trying to find you in the wrong place and thought i got banned for something else. I didnt understand it was a delayed ban. If i knew everything i know now i would have accepted without question. But either way please get that im not an asshole who jumps to conclusions no matter how it seems. Just a guy who was having fun one day and got caught in a crap sequence of events from a game shark joke and another throw away joke i quickly forgot about out of frustration. Any damaging to your name is intirely unintentional. I didnt even know the exact name of your server. Just that i wanted to find the admins. I'll leave you alone and this is my last sorry for now but not my last thank you. Much love guys.

How more specific can this be :

Yes, you posted in the different place but one of the admins there corrected you and redirected you into the right place (see my screenshot). Again you're making up excuses on how none of this your fault by claiming ; ''I wasn't aware of the rules'', ''I was punished because I broke a server rule or two'', ''banned for cheating'', ''banned without warning'' etc.

Nvm on the temp ban, I am in for a permanent one.
This isnt my intention. Im literally trying to just be friendly and chill out. I already said its my fault. I want to make it clear my lesson was learned.
Dude i super put my foot in my mouth. Im not trying to fight. I say things wrong and people misunderstand what i mean. It's a problem i have. I just wanted you guys to go easy on me for sheer ignorance of my situation. I didnt read the details and that is my fault. Im not trying to argue and back track. Just state my case to make my problem less severe. And did the exact opposite so im still a fucking social idiot.
I have to keep editing my posts because im trying to avoid sounding crass. And im bad at saying what i mean. Fuck man. You really arent the only one who reacts this way to me. It's seriously my fucking fault. Only wanted to basically say, im a good guy, a good player, and only want to get back to not bothering anyone and just having fun. This is a super small problem blown out of proportion because i cant shut the fuck up.
Im really not trying to make you upset. But i feel like the decision was already made. Im still sorry and understand. Dont know how else to get my point across.
When i was talking about not knowing specific info it wasnt about being punished for what i got banned for. I agree with that long ban. It was in defense against the permaban for going to the steam forums to state my case(which i now know was wrong). I just didnt know where to go.
And now i know i should have either quoted MF so you knew what i meant or kept my freakin mouth shut.
Alright, calm down lol, I am not upset. Also please refrain from posting multiple posts after each other, just edit your post otherwise it the thread gets too spammy. Sir Robin is the one who issued the ban not me or MF, Robin decides what happens to you. I was simply stating my opinion based on your steam post, forum post and your replies in between the admins.

I can come off quite strong with my 'opinions' sometimes so apologies if I spooped you biggrin.gif
Thank you and im serious when i say it wont happen again. Im aware i over explained now. And of course know that i put my self in this corner. Its my worst quality, but its because i care and im a bit of a naive pussy lol I'll wait to post my profile link until i hear back on a decision. Dont wanna get ahead of myself. But let me know if i should just post it anyway. Thank you guys smile.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Izuku, I lifted your ban. Please follow the rules.
You won't see me on the ban appeal forum again smile.gif

Thank you!
I still don't understand what happened. Care to explain?

Yeah same tongue.gif
Thank you Bucket, I was expecting 17 new posts but you ruined the fun and made a TL;DR ...
No idea what you're talking about rolleyes.gif

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