So i m Guytoune. I have 33 year old (34 in august).
- I m french leaving in south of France
- having my work, my home etc... and play every day or not far on the SM server.
I discover the SM server when i start playing Chilvary and most of my lvl in game are made on the server. ( lvl 55 atm ).
I mean, i m an active player and most regular know me, as good or as bad.
I applied to be SM member for be more active and participate at the server rule regulation and i like played with some SM member.
- I have microphone so i can hear and speak if needed even i not the best in english *lolz*
- I can record too with Geforce experience.
I hope you'll consider the application, and we will see you on the server!
Guytoune aka Guillaume (you know now why i have this nickname