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Full Version: Bucklerboy McMercy's application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment

Proffesional javelin archer applying for a membership at your gym
If you don't know me, im that slithery snake who hides behind your spawn screaming "mi'lord" and then making a montage on how easy it was to trick you

Im a big fan of cyberbullying and my favorite target are let's players

I am a rank 30 roleplayer and I do asmr requests.

thanks bye
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Is that application request or a ban appeal? huh.gif

In either case please provide a link to your steam account so we know who're we dealing with.
Absolutely disgusting
Why didn't you link us your youtube? wink.gif
The Malefic Trout
I have to admit these videos are pretty funny, actually
The application has gone to clan wide vote. We will let you know in 7 days.
Unfortunately, the clan vote didn't go in your favour, you may reapply for membership again in six weeks.

Best of luck!
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