After due consideration I've finally taken the decision to apply for SM membership. I often lose interest with games or certain communities after a while so I thought I'd wait with taking this step, but nothing has changed for me thus far so I thought "what the heck" and threw this up anyway. Here goes.
22 years old dude from Sweden. I bought the game in april 2014, and even played the very first chivalry game (Although not actively at all), which obviously makes me a coolcat

I have 1100 hours registered, a lot of it comes from the DLC everyone dreads. 200 hours on this server though, most of which I have probably gotten these past few months even though I've played here long before too.
Anyhow, even with my many hours spent on this game I am extremely shitty at it still. I blame it on new equipment and my constant urge to change settings trying to find my prime, which I coincidentally lost instead. You may or may not have been victim to my TK's, which I will also blame on new settings. You'll never catch me. Honestly though I often say sorry even though it ain't strictly my fault, I'm a bitch like that. I might add I received a 2 (or 4?) hour ban once, but I worked it out with the admin in question.
If you've played with me you might have noticed one or two of my lame jokes. I can't help myself sometimes.
I seek community with this membership, but it's also largely so that I can help administrate the server whenever I'm on it.

The text got a bit messy but I hope I got some relevant stuff in there. Feel free to ask any questions.