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Full Version: Libar's application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello, dear friends!

So I'd like to think you've all played along side me during the past.....5 years or so biggrin.gif
Been on the server since I can remember, rank 59 and 2020 hours logged into chiv, and I figured it was about time I saw what you all were gossiping about over here smile.gif

Anyway, I am 27 years old, studying Mechanical Engineering, playing when I've got the time or rather a lack of willpower to do anything more useful.

Would appreciate your vote in my favor, would like to enforce the server's standards and rules as an Admin, feel free to ask me anything.
And no, I do not promise beer or whisky lightly, so no false offerings on my part. Altought, if you are ever in Israel feel free to look me up. tongue.gif

QUOTE (Libar @ Jun 16 2017, 02:12 PM) *
feel free to ask me anything.

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
QUOTE (Marsche @ Jun 16 2017, 04:39 PM) *
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Although a definitive answer would of course require further measurements, published species-wide averages of wing length and body mass, initial Strouhal estimates based on those averages and cross-species comparisons, the Lund wind tunnel study of birds flying at a range of speeds, and revised Strouhal numbers based on that study all lead me to estimate that the average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.

I'll hand out references upon requests, but Google is my strongest ally.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Clearly, you're making this up!

P.S. Welcome to the forum smile.gif
You miss the point, Marsche... european or african swallow? Holding a coconut or not?
The application has gone to clan wide vote. We will let you know in 7 days.
Congratulations, we would like to welcome you as our newest member! biggrin.gif

Monkeyfiend will grant you some permissions on the forum soon™
Thank you! smile.gif
Ill be in the US for the next couple of weeks, till the 13/8. My apologies if I dont repley right away.
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