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Full Version: IP Ban
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
First I would like to ask what an IP ban is and how long it lasts and second I would like to discuss some other issues.
My steam profile is and I know I have been far from an exemplary player!
The ban was probably a couple of days ago, I imagine because of a teamkill although can't be sure.
It would sure be great if we could discuss this maturely, although at times I'm considering quitting the game all together due to the issues I mentioned earlier. (I can elaborate if you want but I don't know if this is the right place for that.)
Looking forward to any reply and thanks for taking the time to read this.
Hello, you will have to wait till the admin who issued the ban shows up. What other issues would you like to discus?
I'm sure you have heard about them before but for example: people who teamkill/teamdamage on purpose don't get vote kicked many times but instead people with, what seems to be one accidental kill, get voted off the server with 60+%.
Another thing is speaking in different languages...I have witnessed a lot of people doing that and for a long period of time, yet after browsing the forums for only a little while I saw that someone was kicked for it.
Also, in the case that a votekick for a troller/cheater/teamkiller fails and there is no admin to adress the issue, what is the suggested course of action?
And lastly, (and tottaly off the point, so I apologize for that), when I tried to register I never got the validation email, so I had to use a different email address to post this message. Just thought I'd throw that out there as well.
Thank you for your reply.
I understand what you're trying to say and I agree with you, however, our servers are quite popular and very active amongst the community. There are times where an admin is all alone and has to monitor 63 players and act accordingly to what he/she sees. Due to the large influx of players on our servers, it is hard for us admins to keep track of people of who misbehave and what not. Hence why we have an image pop up upon connecting to our server explaining the two main rules and referring our forum for further explanation of those said rules. We admins usually don't issue multiple warnings as they are given one upon connecting to the server and will promptly deal with said players who break the rules.

About the language thingy the person who got kicked for it was warned multiple times by an admin but chose to ignore the admin, so that didn't really work out tongue.gif The player and the admin have settled this though and things are all good in the hood yo.

Regarding when there is no admin the best course of action is to take evidence (screenshots/videos) and post them here along with their steam link (this isn't really required but makes our job easier) we can then manually ban the player(s) should your evidence be sufficient.

Hope this answered your questions, if not feel free to ask.
I understand completely how difficult it must be to admin this game in general, but surely you must understand how frustrating it is seeing trollers and teamkillers having their fun while others are unjustly kicked.
However, if this ban thing gets resolved, I shall take a wise advise I saw on another post: to just stop playing cause some people are just not worth the time or effort.
Not sure if ban was mine.

Reason says tk - then it was for team killing on purpose, often permanent.
I remember there were people kicking others because they were standing in the way (in the map where you enter a cave) and that resulted in an altercation with another player who probably thought I kicked him so we were attacking each other and I ended up killing him since he wouldn't stop his attacks. Not trying to justify it, just stating the situation as I can remember it cause I had been playing for a while that day. I already stated in my original post that I have not been the best player around. However, if nothing else, I would at least ask for some clarification as to whether my ban is permanent (and if not, how long it is) so I can stop trying to connect to the 64p server in vain!
All in all, I'm glad this gave me an opportunity to talk to you here and read more extensively about the rules. (Better late than never, right?☺)
QUOTE (Eva @ Jun 8 2017, 03:37 PM) *
I'm sure you have heard about them before but for example: people who teamkill/teamdamage on purpose don't get vote kicked many times but instead people with, what seems to be one accidental kill, get voted off the server with 60+%.
Another thing is speaking in different languages...I have witnessed a lot of people doing that and for a long period of time, yet after browsing the forums for only a little while I saw that someone was kicked for it.
Also, in the case that a votekick for a troller/cheater/teamkiller fails and there is no admin to adress the issue, what is the suggested course of action?
And lastly, (and tottaly off the point, so I apologize for that), when I tried to register I never got the validation email, so I had to use a different email address to post this message. Just thought I'd throw that out there as well.
Thank you for your reply.

Players usually vote yes for everyone over 35% TD if he/she appear on the votekick. It is common since they cant know in detail but can see it via the number.
For speaking in another language. Not sure if you are talking about me. But yeah, it happened once for me a long time ago. And everything was solved under understanding with happy ending. There are some solutions for this as well (Like using micro).
If by any chance your PC has Gelforce Experience. You can press Alt+F10 to record the last 5 minutes of the game. Then upload it on Youtube. So you dont need to worry about lacking of evidence. Otherwise, you can download the software
Another way I used to use to deal with teamkiller is letting them hit and kill me if they are intentional. Then votekick him/her after their TD rate is over 25% with reasonable explanation. 90% work for me
Good to know! But I hadn't been playing for that long to know all these things..And the vote kicking system had failed me more times than not so that was extremely frustrating for me as a new player! Basically, my experience was rather disappointing, even more so now that I see that no-one can be bothered to take some time and give me an answer! So, unless a miracle happens I won't have the chance to give this game another chance or try your advice, but I sincerely appreciate it!
Ps. No, I wasn't referring to you at all as far as different languages was just a general observation. Personally I don't love it when I don't know what other people are saying but it doesn't bother me that much. Frankly there are way bigger problems with this community than that. Like I said in my previous post, I saw someone else saying that they got banned for it and I found it weird.
The Malefic Trout
QUOTE (Eva @ Jun 11 2017, 06:05 PM) *
I see that no-one can be bothered to take some time and give me an answer!

Sorry for that - it sometimes happens that players comment right after each other in different threads and the first one slips under the radar. This doesn't mean we ignored you, hope you understand. sad.gif

A couple of things:

Speaking in different languages in-game IS okay, as long as it's not excessive. Cases when players were actually kicked for that are extremely rare, and it usually happens when a bigger group of people basically dominate the chat by talking in a non-English language and they refuse to tone it down. There are two main reasons for enforcing it though, one is it often leads to a situation in which players stop chatting in English at all - the vast majority of players on the server do speak English, and everyone participating in a discussion or simple banter is what I believe is encouraged for the community's sake. And the second reason (though personally in my eyes - less important than the previous one) is that more often than not us admins can't understand what's going on in the chat, and as such it makes it impossible for us to enforce the rules properly. I assure you, a short dialogue here and there is absolutely okay and once again, situations in which it becomes a problem are really rare.

%TD is flawed - yes, a player accidentally hiting their teammate in the beginning of a round will often result in them being kicked from the server by other players even if they are sound players. Meanwhile you get this guy running around hitting teammates like crazy, but since for every teammate he kills he kills 10 enemies his %TD stays low - quite honestly unless there's an admin online AND someone actually report it to them, there's nothing you can do about such players.

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask, even if you don't plan to play this game ever again. smile.gif
QUOTE (The Malefic Trout @ Jun 11 2017, 08:36 PM) *
Sorry for that - it sometimes happens that players comment right after each other in different threads and the first one slips under the radar. This doesn't mean we ignored you, hope you understand. sad.gif

Yes, I understand that. I was just frustrated by the lack of a simple answer, which I'm still waiting for.

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask, even if you don't plan to play this game ever again. smile.gif

It's not up to me whether I give up on this game or not. But it's not looking promising at this point smile.gif

Ps. About the td issue, when I started playing I was being votekicked/kicked a lot because well I was new and didn't know what I was doing. The good thing was that the more I played and improved, the less votekicks I got. Still there were times where someone would votekick me back just for revenge. I don't mind the teamdamage or teamkill if it's an accident or in the middle of a fight. But when someone kicks you into the water and kills you just for fun, I don't really care if he goes on to kill the entire enemy team since my game is ruined. So yes, I get what you're saying but there is a lot of room for trollers the way the game and the rules are set up.

Thanks for your reply!
QUOTE (Eve @ Jun 13 2017, 10:42 AM) *
It's not up to me whether I give up on this game or not. But it's not looking promising at this point smile.gif

Of course it is up to you? Unless you need someone else's approval to play games.
Approval? No! Permission? Yes, since I got banned from the server I played on!
Thank you for giving me the chance to clarify that! smile.gif
The Malefic Trout
QUOTE (Eve @ Jun 13 2017, 10:42 AM) *
So yes, I get what you're saying but there is a lot of room for trollers the way the game and the rules are set up.

Absolutely - but still the rules are simple to understand, equal for everyone and convenient for us to enforce. Yes, the system has its flaws, but I don't think anybody can come up with anything better.

It's a 40 day ban, by the way - I suspect rotor would be very willing to lift the ban if you asked and promised to follow the rules - which I have no doubts you will, as you seem to be a level-headed individual.
Thank you soooo much for that answer and sorry for taking up so much of your time!
It goes without saying that I promise to follow your server rules and that I'll do my best to not cause any problems for the other players. [I didn't go through all this trouble just to risk getting banned again! smile.gif]
Whether that happens in 40 days or sooner, I will let Rotor decide.

Hi Eve,

it appears the ban is mine, I will lift it.

Pls dont td or tk on purpose, its difficult to see who to ban, normally i ban both or multiple, just run away from td's when they gather enough td / attention from admin they will be kicked/banned.

Will lift ban next time I come online.
Thank you! I will follow your advice!
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