QUOTE (Eva @ Jun 8 2017, 03:37 PM)

I'm sure you have heard about them before but for example: people who teamkill/teamdamage on purpose don't get vote kicked many times but instead people with, what seems to be one accidental kill, get voted off the server with 60+%.
Another thing is speaking in different languages...I have witnessed a lot of people doing that and for a long period of time, yet after browsing the forums for only a little while I saw that someone was kicked for it.
Also, in the case that a votekick for a troller/cheater/teamkiller fails and there is no admin to adress the issue, what is the suggested course of action?
And lastly, (and tottaly off the point, so I apologize for that), when I tried to register I never got the validation email, so I had to use a different email address to post this message. Just thought I'd throw that out there as well.
Thank you for your reply.
Players usually vote yes for everyone over 35% TD if he/she appear on the votekick. It is common since they cant know in detail but can see it via the number.
For speaking in another language. Not sure if you are talking about me. But yeah, it happened once for me a long time ago. And everything was solved under understanding with happy ending. There are some solutions for this as well (Like using micro).
If by any chance your PC has Gelforce Experience. You can press Alt+F10 to record the last 5 minutes of the game. Then upload it on Youtube. So you dont need to worry about lacking of evidence. Otherwise, you can download the software
Another way I used to use to deal with teamkiller is letting them hit and kill me if they are intentional. Then votekick him/her after their TD rate is over 25% with reasonable explanation. 90% work for me