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Full Version: Reapply to join SM
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Good day everyone,
I decide to reapply today since I faced several trollers, teamkillers, especially king killers ( I usually become king and cant count how many times I was intentionally killed by a troller) these previous days

It is good that now I can record them with GeForce experience. But I sometime face the problem to upload it on youtube and this may take a couple of time.

Since I mostly play in the evening (UK time), I only have chance to meet some SM members, and I really hope I can meet more who play in the morning (like Xacobo)

I hope I can be a part of a good team and of course, to keep the server cleaner.

By the way, here is my old application:

My SteamID:

Best wishes
Greetings Doreanh smile.gif

Good luck in your application!

/I made this sound way too formal
tongue.gif hope hope.
I'll add you on steam (or feel free to add me!) to chat about this.
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