I have been playing on your servers since I reinstalled the game, some 2-3 months ago, when I was level 20 (now 35!)
I never really caused any trouble and I believe I have a good reputation among the regulars and some of the admins.
I have logged a total of 240 hours in chivalry, and about 110 of those are on your server.
I have been reporting bad behaviour regularly since I learned how to record the game.
What else...
I'm from Italy, I work at a candy shop.
My favourite weapon is the spear, I like poking enemies to get the Assists
I play 50% as vanguard, 30% as archer, 25% as knight and only rarely as MAA.
I love using the catapult and I'm quite good at it (usually getting about 20 kills and very few TK).
I wish the game was a bit more strategic, we could move in a shield wall and fight in formation rather than runnig around, but oh well.

Thanks in advance for your attention!
See you in game!