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Full Version: Recruitment application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi everyone, I would like to join your clan.
I have been playing on your servers since I reinstalled the game, some 2-3 months ago, when I was level 20 (now 35!)
I never really caused any trouble and I believe I have a good reputation among the regulars and some of the admins.

I have logged a total of 240 hours in chivalry, and about 110 of those are on your server.

I have been reporting bad behaviour regularly since I learned how to record the game.

What else...
I'm from Italy, I work at a candy shop.
My favourite weapon is the spear, I like poking enemies to get the Assists
I play 50% as vanguard, 30% as archer, 25% as knight and only rarely as MAA.
I love using the catapult and I'm quite good at it (usually getting about 20 kills and very few TK).
I wish the game was a bit more strategic, we could move in a shield wall and fight in formation rather than runnig around, but oh well. smile.gif

Thanks in advance for your attention!
See you in game!
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (FrostBurn @ Apr 24 2017, 06:05 PM) *
I play 50% as vanguard, 30% as archer, 25% as knight and only rarely as MAA.

Assuming 5% MAA, that's some impressive 110%! :-)
Yeah, I meant to write 15% as a knight laugh.gif

Damn, can't even edit it now that you got everyone's attention to it ;P
Hi - sorry for the delay in this. The application has gone to clan wide vote. Will let you know in 7 days smile.gif
Sorry fort eh delay. I'll add you on steam (or feel free to add me!) to chat about this.
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