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Full Version: Room for an old friend?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Was playing in Chiv and came across your server and though i remember those guys, so room for an old friend?

edit: i should add my ingame name is now SeXy*HaZe
Crikey an account from back when SM was new-ish almost 10 years ago, back in the battlefield 2 days tongue.gif

My memory is a bit sketchy though so apologies I can't really remember you :S

Anyway, the recruitment section does require a few things... membership is by majority vote and to give everyone a chance to make a fair vote we normally ask that a person has logged a certain amount of time in the servers (so that the rest of the clan has had a chance to get to know them) smile.gif

If you want to defer for a bit or want to go straight in with a vote now, then let me know

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