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Full Version: application to join SM
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi everyone,

First I wish everyone having fun in game and keep playing it no matter what.

Before I start, I would like to say a little bit about myself. I bought chivalry probably half a year ago and never think that I would become addicted with this game like now. To be honest, It is very embarrassed to say that the first reason bringing me to SM's forum is a kick by Marsche which I thought were unfair at that time. However, everything was solved instantly with understanding, and now I have a big respect to him tongue.gif (out of my expectation).

I think I did not spend as much time as everyone in here in Chivalry, but SM server has become my favourite server right after I graduated from lv15, and I have made lots of good friends in here now(some of them used to hate me a lot laugh.gif ) . The more I play the more I understand everyone and fell in love with it. So I think it is time to make a decision to write this application.

Hopefully I can be a part of SM, not only because of respect, but also to help new players who dont understand the way server running.

Hope everyone will put this in consideration.

Since English is not my first language, I may make some mistakes in the grammar but hopefully it can express all of my mind. Please feel free to correct it for me.

My SteamID:

Best regards and wish to see more SM players in game

Hi - welcome to the forums. The general process is the application is posted in the members are for people to discuss and vote on. Once the vote is up it normally takes around 7-10 days to give everyone a chance to vote smile.gif


Thanks for replying me MonkeyFiend
I just feel a little bit lonely here biggrin.gif
just want to say that I am still alive tongue.gif
Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, the voting didn't go in your favour. The majority of the members don't seem to know you, at least not good enough. This does not mean you cannot reapply again in the future. smile.gif

I highly recommend bribing admins to favour voting in you by giving Porsuk some titties to look at, Giving Marsche some dank may mays(rare pepes work the best), Teamkilling Trout then making a thread on how he is abusing his power. etc.

Just spend more time on the server, don't be a twat(works really well btw), drop in on Teamspeak from time to time if anyone is there. biggrin.gif
don't be a twat

Wonder how you ever got in tongue.gif
Someone had to replace Dithyrambique wink.gif

Also, you're banned for insulting an admin smile.gif
QUOTE (Bucket @ Mar 27 2017, 08:57 AM) *
I highly recommend bribing admins to favour voting in you by giving Porsuk some titties to look at, Giving Marsche some dank may mays(rare pepes work the best), Teamkilling Trout then making a thread on how he is abusing his power. etc.

Lol, I like the last one, become an innocent culprit.
Anw, thanks for your reply Bucket. I will reapply after waxing my titties in following months, you will suprise of how white it is, just hope everyone doesn't get crazy of Mordhau when it releases and left Chivalry
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