Hello dman,
you'll have to wait up to 3 days for an admin who banned you to reply, and if they don't manage to do that in that time, your ban will be temporarily lifted.
Here's dman's Steam account should anybody need it, but the was was indeed made yesterday for teamkilling:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006663359Thank you!
Edit: (since I'm an edit master, always forget important things)
A couple of things to add:
1. Read the rules while you're waiting:
http://www.sneakymonkeys.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17472. Remember that it's your account and your responsibility, we frankly don't care that much if it was you or your brother since (I hope you'll understand) it's often a mediocre excuse players give us. I believe you, but keep that in mind next time, there'll be no exceptions and your potential next ban will not be lifted.