First i would like to wish you all a merry Xmas !!
About me, I hope most of you will recognize me since i've been playing on this server more than 1k hours and I've been playing Chiv since the game was out.
I've made breaks from time to time but Chiv somehow always pulls me back.^^
I've really played a LOT these lasts months and i've come to love this server and the good people that play on it even more than before.
I've been thinking of joining you for some time now and decided to give it a shot

I'm mostly about fun in this game and never made competition before, though i could be interested in some once i get better.
Hope you guys will take my application in consideration for it would be an honor to join such a fine clan and help you keep the server unstained from trolls, tkers and others that don't respect rhe rules for nothing more that their own amusement.
Best regards and hope to seen you soon on the field !