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Full Version: Ping situation in 64p server
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
Hello, I'm having a problem and I'm hoping to can come to an understanding with you Admins about my ping issue.
First of all, I have to say I love your server. I've seen some Sword Fighting competition videos on YouTube where two packs of people just crash into each other and I've realized that the best place I can have that feeling is in your 64 player server. It's just really fun. In low population servers competition is fierce and if there is one backswinging pro on the other team, he can kill us all and win every match. But in your server, it's different in many ways. Those and a few other reasons are why I love your server.

However, I have a problem. I live in Iran and aside from the distance from Iran to UK, our Internet is also a bit slow. So that means that in your server, if the server isn't full, I have 170-180 ping. But when it becomes full, I sometimes happen to have 200 ping. I know that your server's max ping is 180 and I respect that because it's logical. Btut that means that usually whenever an Admin joins the server, I get kicked instantly with a message on the screen saying "ping".
I understand that but I would really like to come to an understanding with you guys. I know that your max ping limit is 180, so I've tried playing in other servers that also have a high maximum of players. I found two servers which both had about a maximum of around 50. But the problem is that whenever I join them, I am instantly kicked because their max ping limit is 150.

So since I can't experience how I feel in your server in any other ones, I'd like it if we could come to an understanding. To a deal or something.
First let me just say that I play by the rules: I don't try to cheat, I don't troll, I don't use glitches, I'm friendly, I don't curse other players, I keep my manners when talking to admins and I'm not a backswinging animation breaking pro player who can take on a bunch of players alone. I just have a normal gameplay. Meaning that high ping won't allow me to become the ultimate player. No, that only happens if I'm lucky and if I've had a decent good gameplay that round. So I'd like to purpose a deal that we could both agree on.

Please hear me out before you skip the rest of the message and give a quick answer.
Here's how it works: If other players start a vote kick for me and most players agree, then ok. Other players don't like my ping and want me out of the server for a while. I'll accept that fair and square.
Here's the other part: When I play on your server, you guys (Admins of the server) will have a max ping limit of 205 (that 5 is for little spikes that could happen to anyone) for me in mind. If my ping goes higher than 205, you kick me. If not, if my ping is 200 and other players are ok with that, meaning that they're not starting vote kicks to kick me, you would let me stay and not kick me.

Now that would kinda break your "180 max ping" rule but please, you have to understand, I live in Iran. I have a really bad internet, my max download/upload speed is 460 kb/s and the distance between Iran and UK is a lot. So it's normal for me to get 190-200 ping when I'm playing in a UK server with 63 other players. I can't do anything about it. It's like asking a guy with no legs to run!
Can you please accept the deal I mentioned or suggest another one that would let me play on your server without having to fear Admins? I like your Admins, they have good manners and are fair but everytime they join the server I fear of even having my name in the Scoreboard because they might see my ping.
I mean, most of the times players are ok with my ping. I could play for hours and become top player without other players having problems with me. But then an Admin joins, sees that I have over 180 ping and instantly kicks me.

Please consider what I said. I am open to suggestions. I really like your server and I want to keep on playing in with my friends it without being kicked in a second for something I can't help.
It really depends on the "average" ping of the players connected that match, and the "competitive" the logged admin is.
If your ping is 180 between people with 50 ping, you are probably going to be kicked. If it's 190 between people with 120 ping, you are less likely to be kicked.
If the admin that is logged in likes "fair" games with a lot of duels, you are probably going to be kick, because for them, you are not fairplay.
For me, anything below 250 is ok, as long as your packet loss is below 10 too.
Not much we can do. We are not going to make exceptions. Try not to use WIFI, is all I can advice.
Best of lucks!
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Dec 15 2016, 11:20 PM) *
It really depends on the "average" ping of the players connected that match, and the "competitive" the logged admin is.
If your ping is 180 between people with 50 ping, you are probably going to be kicked. If it's 190 between people with 120 ping, you are less likely to be kicked.
If the admin that is logged in likes "fair" games with a lot of duels, you are probably going to be kick, because for them, you are not fairplay.
For me, anything below 250 is ok, as long as your packet loss is below 10 too.
Not much we can do. We are not going to make exceptions. Try not to use WIFI, is all I can advice.
Best of lucks!

Alright thank you for replying and the information. Have a nice day
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