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Full Version: Ban appeal for 696*,ÜBER_WARRIOR.*696
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Game name: 696*,ÜBER_WARRIOR.*696

Steam profile:

Times: 3rd of December ~2 AM (+1 GMT)

Circumstance/explanation: I was banned for having a "high packet loss", quoting the kick message. I tried rejoining several times, and then later today, and noticed that I still can't join. So my IP is banned permanently it seems. I was experiencing connective issues and a bit of lag, which explains the packet loss(?) I'm just surprised it was permanent, because I don't think the admin meant to. I have no idea how admining works in the game so I have no idea if it could be a misclick or what have you, but considering the Sneaky Monkeys server is the best one in Chivalry I'd hate to be banned over a misundestanding.

What a civil post ohmy.gif we rarely get those, so good job!

You were banned by rotor, and the ban isn't permanent. You should be able to join in a certain time. I don't know what that time is, but we can hope rotor will share the knowledge with us. Until then, happy waiting.

it seems you have been banned for 10 days.

it might be a typo to ban someone for 10 days because of ptk loss. You have to wait an admin who did ban you.

Thanks for replying. I guess I'll just wait around for him to unban me.

Keep an eye on pkt loss - if it's too spikey fix it pls
QUOTE (rotor @ Dec 4 2016, 10:44 PM) *

Keep an eye on pkt loss - if it's too spikey fix it pls


Thing about packet loss is that I can't exactly keep an eye on it unless I keep checking the kick interface. What happened before I was banned was like, two spikes and then a ban.
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