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=Mi-Molles= Guytoune
Hello guy's and as always, sorry for my english tongue.gif

As a change to Chilvary and break all this ban appeal post on the General Public Discussion, i would know if some SM member trying a bit Battlefield 1 ^^'
I admint buy it and try a little, even i m a god damn noob at this gameplay, but i found the game real nice with all this type of game (Domination , conquest, Rush etc...).

I see it's not yet possible to create our custom server but i mean it would come with time.

Just asking if SM member try and like the game and why not when custom server will come, SM will have one ^^'
I tried the beta and enjoyed it quite a lot. But unfortunately I'm not going to buy it at this moment. My wallet isn't exactly bursting with money so 60€ is a big investment. And if I'm going to get a BF game I want the premium edition, which comes with a lot of nice things you otherwise would have to pay for constantly like the DLC. I bought BF4 last year and got it for 20€ and that was the premium edition, what a deal! SO I'm going to wait a couple of years till the price drops enough.
Love your profile picture , Guytoune laugh.gif
The Malefic Trout
Haha, indeed, love that Anomen/Jim Carrey combination smile.gif
I did pick up a copy, but only started playing through the campaigns (and of those have only played an hour or two). Am meaning to play it a bit more and get back to multiplayer, but at the moment time is more of an issue
=Mi-Molles= Guytoune
I made the campaign too, i found it really nice but a bit short and learn very basic gameplay. I learn more on multiplayer, even if the level of player are a bit hard (many played during the beta etc and they already are lot of high player).

The 64 player are really fun and the "operation" mode can make lot of point for lvling and buy after new weapon / upgrade tool kit etc.

Different of chilvary, i have some difficult to understand the aim work of weapon / sniper, i mean i have to hard try for use it well but i really like the game and be enjoy when custom server will come. (and would be a pleasure to see the SM community on this game too ! <3 try to make a headshot on Plouplou like in Chilvary tongue.gif )

P.S: For Penguin i train for you !
Head shots on me? Hum i guess you could still try^^ Aha =)

In fact, i do have Battlefield 1 too^^ Soooooooooooo.. Here is my Origine account: The-Pl0u-Pl0u
=Mi-Molles= Guytoune
I can try it for learn the sniper aim shot tongue.gif in fact, i snipe better with the anti-air vehicule as a normal sniper rifle Oo don't know why lol

The Mi-Molles team in BF1





Hanzo Hattori with Monseigneur Duc du Foutre!


Team regroup:

Now that's a formation i'd love to join!

But i must say, although that pics shows me in all my beauty,there is a little mistake in it.
After lots of hours of high fov greatsword comboing now my eyes look in opposite directions, so let me fix it.

Much better! biggrin.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
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