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Full Version: I have been banned...
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello sneakymonkeys,
I have been banned by some CHILVARY MEDIEVAL server admins, from 64 servers...
And a am banned for 2 months maybe... i have the screen record video but i dont wanna argue hope u can watch from your own log.
Any way please lets solve this problem.

it is my ban. since i did the ban, i would like to see your recordings which was recorded on that day.

If you don't, i will not remove your ban because i made note on your nickname which says otherwise about removing your ban.
I felt an HIT from my back and i get my revenge from u...
After i got second hit than our fight began... and your own fight became my bann its totaly not understandable...
I am 30 years old and this is my office PC. Interior designer i am. Pls remove it and i can kill u at least in my less than 1hr per day playing time.
Yeah, ok, but upload and link us your recording.
Since you are make no sense about argument, your ban is permanent.

I am not sure being 30 years old is how relevant with this conversation and wiith this ban appeal.
Careful guys, he's an interior designer
The Malefic Trout
I will lift the ban if you design my interiors for free biggrin.gif
as i see that argument with teens the hardest stuf on earth.
when u have some power (even being an admin) use it FAIR. fair fai fa f... none will HEIL! u any way smile.gif
Sir / Miss i am not a teen. while you are 30 years old i am 28 years old. so cut the crap.

i ask to you kindly, if you have recording about the issue, install on youtube or something similar website which we can see that if you are telling the truth about your ban issue.

while your answers is meaningless i can not give you any credit to unban you.

So, if you have nothing to say but age talk, please do not continue.

if you have something to say related about your ban issue, recordings etc, i will gladly help to you to fix problem.
Sevgili kardeşim, ayıp ediyosun bence.
Bann umrumda değil ama senin tavrın olduk�a k�t�.
Hem spawn �ıkışı dmg yiyorum hem de geri tepki verince bann alıyoruz... Bunun savunulacak bir tarafı yok senin i�in.
Gereksiz konular bunlar.
QUOTE (drlabas @ Nov 9 2016, 08:49 AM) *
Sevgili kardeşim, ayıp ediyosun bence.
Bann umrumda değil ama senin tavrın olduk�a k�t�.
Hem spawn �ıkışı dmg yiyorum hem de geri tepki verince bann alıyoruz... Bunun savunulacak bir tarafı yok senin i�in.
Gereksiz konular bunlar.

QUOTE (Marsche @ Nov 9 2016, 09:06 AM) *

dry.gif trump
QUOTE (drlabas @ Nov 9 2016, 06:49 AM) *
Sevgili kardeşim, ayıp ediyosun bence.
Bann umrumda değil ama senin tavrın olduk�a k�t�.
Hem spawn �ıkışı dmg yiyorum hem de geri tepki verince bann alıyoruz... Bunun savunulacak bir tarafı yok senin i�in.
Gereksiz konular bunlar.

Please read the rules and type in english.

so the result will be judged as TEENAGER ?
Hello. I'm not a teenager smile.gif You were banned for intentional TKing (or more specifically revenge TKing).
You were also asked to provide the video/screenshots you mentioned, but haven't.

If the general tone of the posts were apologetic I'd be inclined to give benefit of the doubt, however your posts show no contrition.
Anyway good luck in chivalry
Kids pls listen smile.gif
ı WONT apologise cause it wasnt my fault. the GM must do it first before SLASHING ME with his sword ! This is an abuse report reason for GM !
Gimme my right if u r admin or act as teenager smile.gif its being right my friend smile.gif
still you post further, but haven't posted the proof that you mention in the first post
Teenagers? Kids? I'd like to ask you to stop being to damn condescending. It's not helping your cause one bit.

If you have the proof you say you have, post it. If not, you'll stay banned. End of story.
Calling admins as teenagers about their job done tells only about your own immaturity
PORSUK is my proof wink.gif ask him.
(is he is F A I R)
and still the posts continue without the screenshots/video you mention :/

Regarding admins, we're very strict on admins abusing their powers. We often see it as a spurious claim backed up without evidence (to be perfectly frank, if an admin is abusing their powers not only would we tend to see evidence from the recipient but also screenshots from regulars in the server). While there have been numerous accusations, there have only been a couple of incidents where the complaint was withheld, resulting on those individuals being removed from the clan and removed from admin powers.

I also play on the servers on alt accounts to see if there's anything dodgy happening. Likewise Meowric has traditionally been tasked with winding up admins within the rules to see if they'll use their powers.

Anyway I digress. You mentioned in your previous posts that you revenge TKed. You broke the rules, you were banned. Instead of posting a 'sorry, won't happen again' type post, you went straight in there of proclaiming you were banned unfairly and that you have evidence, that you've repeatedly not provided. (and while we take admin abuse very serious, likewise we take spurious claims of admin abuse equally seriously)

In order to make this simpler: I invite you to make one more post with any evidence you have. After that the thread will be locked.
im not a proof.

you said you have a proof, i ask to you to show your proof whatever you have.

you said " i am 30 years old and interior designer" .

do you see the problem where we are struggling with ?
Scaramouche the sea lion
Guess this issue is taking more time than it deserves.

It's just my opinion of course
porsuk please show your admin power.
admit this: '' yes i slash him first ''
and this discussion will finish.
QUOTE (drlabas @ Nov 3 2016, 11:13 AM) *
i have the screen record video but i dont wanna argue hope u can watch from your own log.

Post the video!

This topic will be closed soon, you had your chances.
QUOTE (Bucket @ Nov 16 2016, 02:44 PM) *
Post the video!

This topic will be closed soon, you had your chances.

that will show sneakymonkeys JUDGEMENT than .
The Malefic Trout
Truth is, you don't have a video proof and you've been lying all the time, otherwise I see absolutely no reason as to why you haven't managed to upload it yet. And you're the one talking about fairness, that's cute.

You are honestly wasting your and our time if you can't bring yourself to apologise, or since you insisted on going that down path, provide any evidence of abuse.

To me you had your chance and you fluffed it, mate.
QUOTE (The Malefic Trout @ Nov 16 2016, 03:28 PM) *
Truth is, you don't have a video proof and you've been lying all the time, otherwise I see absolutely no reason as to why you haven't managed to upload it yet. And you're the one talking about fairness, that's cute.

You are honestly wasting your and our time if you can't bring yourself to apologise, or since you insisted on going that down path, provide any evidence of abuse.

To me you had your chance and you fluffed it, mate.

NO APOLOGISE M8 by my side. The ADMIN will.
Your ADMIN will ADMIT his bad action than we will close this argument. Seems he is not here today to CONFESS
Complaint form.

Username: ________________________________________
Date and Time You Experienced Butthurt: ____________________________________

Please describe the nature of the butthurt.
____ I posted something that violated the rules and it was removed.
____ I was banned because I broke the rules.
____ I was banned because I was a dick.
____ I was banned because I was racist, homophobic, or in some other way bigoted.
____ Other, please describe below:

Please tell us more about the incident of butthurt.
[Y] [N] Were there tears?
[Y] [N] Was there permanent mental scarring from the butthurt?
[Y] [N] Was there a loss of sleep from the butthurt?
[Y] [N] Did you miss work or arrive late to work because of the butthurt?
[Y] [N] Was your keyboard damaged due to rage caused by the butthurt?
[Y] [N] Were you forced to employ a coping mechanism, such as turning off the computer or logging out?
[Y] [N] Was there any incident of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from typing long, drawn out threads regarding the butthurt?
[Y] [N] Were you forced to abuse your waifu due to stress caused by the butthurt?

Please tell us more about the admin(s) who caused the butthurt.
____ They are a big, mean poopy-pants who should be banned from the internet forever.
____ They are a SJW.
____ They are literally Hitler.
____ There should be Cyber PoliceTM laws to deal with people like them.
____ All of the above.

Did you take any actions yourself regarding the butthurt?
____ I PMed the admin and called them an SJW.
____ I PMed MonkeyFiend because the admins are oppressing my internet free speech.
____ I drank 2 gallons of Mountain Dew and some Cheetos.
____ I created a thread where I accused him of abusing his admin powers.
____ Other, please describe below.
Perfect teenager answer ever seen in history. Ok kid pls let us talk ok.
The ADMIN is waited here by to C O N F E S S this abuse action no more no less.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
May I get a "teenager" compliment as well? My wife will turn green with envy! PRETTY PLEASE?
QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Nov 16 2016, 05:43 PM) *
May I get a "teenager" compliment as well? My wife will turn green with envy! PRETTY PLEASE?

Bro as u can see upper post but its ok, kids arent allright as offspring said.
I am waiting the ABUSE ACTED ADMIN PORSUK to CONFESS his own sin.
I am banned for 2months around, by hım and cause of him.
Only waiting the R E AL J U D G E M E N T not teens and their joker answers sad.gif
With your attitude, you will remain banned longer than for two months biggrin.gif
Leave him be, lock this thread and let him rot in his own misery...
QUOTE (Spath @ Nov 17 2016, 11:55 AM) *
Leave him be, lock this thread and let him rot in his own misery...

But, the fun...
Closing topic. Drlabas will remain banned.
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