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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Brian Boru
Hi all,

My name is Kevin(18 years old) I'm from Ireland and currently in collage. I've been playing on the 64 player SM server for most of my time playing Chivalry. I used to play Chivalry a lot but I took a break from it a few months ago and I have recently started playing it again.

So far I have logged 495 hours on Chivalry but that will probably go up past 500 soon enough ahaha. Anyways yeah I'm rank 41 right now and i mainly play knight or maa. My steam name is "Brian Boru" but i started off playing as "Superpxz".

Yet Another Fool
Welcome to the forums Kevin Brian Jason.
Brian Boru
Ahahaha close enough^^ XD. I left out the most important thing i meant to say lol.. I was wondering if I could join the SM clan but I'm pretty sure only a few of ye admins might actually know me so theres probably not much point ahaha.
Scaramouche the sea lion
I do know you Brian happy.gif

sadly, as the colleagues will confirm, recruitment is currently closed.

see you on the field

Brian Boru
Ok thanks for letting me know Scara biggrin.gif see you on the field mate! smile.gif
Recruitment is indeed closed.

While I can understand that you want to be part of =SM= using our tags ingame will be seen as impersonating an admin which will result in a ban tongue.gif
Brian Boru
Oh yeah I know that man I never set my name as =SM= anything, I just put that there on this page cause I taught it meant if I was accepted into the clan that would be the name I get given if you get me? ahaha sorry dude guess Im wrong lol trying to figure out how to change it now smile.gif
Brian Boru
Think I fixed there now happy.gif
No worries. Figured I would warn you before you end up getting banned tongue.gif
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