Oct 9 2016, 12:45 AM
Hi guys,
tonight a player named Keksimus Maximus had a quite deplorable behaviour.
TKed me 2 times intentionally because "this is what you pay for kicking a newbie"
Of course i votekick for an earlier player that was new an was Tkin around.
This paladin of justice thought well to avenge him by Tking me on sight.
After 2 deaths, obviusly, he has been votekicked.
I can send shadowplay movie or screen for proof.
Thanks for every action you will take (or not), byezzzz
Oct 9 2016, 08:00 AM
If you caught the tk'ing on uhhh... "camera", feel free to post it on some video sharing website and post a link here. If it checks out, he'll face the consequences for his actions. Try to post as much of the video as is reasonable, so there won't be any misunderstandings and thank you for reporting/mentioning it here
Oct 9 2016, 09:32 AM
I'll try to upload the entire video (2 tks and chat) but with my shit Internet 250mb will be a true pain.
Hope I can do it ASAP, TNX
Scaramouche the sea lion
Oct 12 2016, 08:51 AM
Ciao Moro, grazie della segnalazione
Hi Moro, thanks for reporting