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You might want to look at "SwfObject" for the main flash menu bar on

With that people wont have to click inside the flash object once to activate it, and then another time to click on a button inside it...

right.. have to admit this one has beaten me :'(

Basically I can get the swfobject or flashfix type code to work but there's a big BUT - basically because it excecutes the JS or Jscript after the object, the pages loads the content followed by the flash container fix at the end.

If the page was a bit of text and flash or all flash it wouldn't be a problem, however since there's a lot of blocks of code that rely on off site stuff it means the page loads, followed by text, pictures etc., then teamspeak info, game-monitor info and then finally it would load the header fix. Due to the amount of content (some of which is hosted off site) the delay in loading the header with this method can be considerable.

It's probably possible to rejig it around, but since the active code on the site is a little bit crazy (i.e. I wrote it) I suspect this would take considerable work.

So basically am gonnna hve to leave it as is for now :/


QUOTE(H3lim4n @ Feb 10 2008, 01:19 PM) *
You might want to look at "SwfObject" for the main flash menu bar on

With that people wont have to click inside the flash object once to activate it, and then another time to click on a button inside it...

Hmm.. I donīt see this problem, I can 1-click right after the start page loaded. What kind of browser are you using, anything other than firefox? wink.gif

Only thing bugging me on this site is the shoutbox jumping up again while I scrolled down to read some older entry. Happens from time to time, even if no new entry was added. angry.gif
called autorefresh, does it on cc as well when your trying to read lol gets v frustrating
The click to activate thing was introduced after someone sued MS over something to do with code integration. After that it's causes Internet Explorer to have the click to activate on several media sources including quicktime/realplayer/flash etc., - its not present in Firefox.

As for the shoutbox, its odd because even as the window refreshes it doesn't move the position of stuff that I'm reading (unless someone has posted a new comment) :s

Finally for CC, the arrow on the left of the chat window turns off the scroll to bottom thing I think biggrin.gif
have to check that out lol, i usually control cv to word biggrin.gif
monkey wrote
As for the shoutbox, its odd because even as the window refreshes it doesn't move the position of stuff that I'm reading

its done it too me quite a few times moves what i am reading blink.gif
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