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Full Version: road to play's application
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road to play

My name's "road to play" and I've been playing on the =SM= servers (the 64-player one more specifically) for quite a while now and expect to log at least 200+ hours more until I'm done with my "road to play" (that is, reaching Rank 60). I figured since I'm on the server every day for at least 7-8 hours, the server could benefit from my administration. Every time I've been on the server, some level of injustice has been going on whether it's blatant teamkilling or just hate speech. Something like this is always happening and there aren't always admins around to deal with it. But road to play is always there; unable to act, but ready to deliver swift and just punishment.

Now, I went over the server rules and it's come to my attention that we should keep our thoughts on religion and such to ourselves. I can admit without shame that I've gotten carried away more than a few times on the topic of religion, but I wasn't made aware of this particular rule until now. So whether my application is considered seriously or not, I will hold back on this starting now. And should I be made an admin, I have no issue adjusting my behavior to one appropriate to my role (without being a complete killjoy of course -- like you say, banter is all well and good as long as it doesn't get out of hand).

I would ask that you at least consider this application seriously and keep an eye on my "new and improved" behavior from now on to see whether I would be the right fit for an admin or not. The server could benefit from someone who plays on the server as much as I do. smile.gif

Name: road to play (legendary)
Rank: 58
Hours: 2.3k
Steam Profile:
Yet Another Fool
QUOTE (road to play @ Aug 6 2016, 02:09 PM) *
I've been playing on the =SM= servers (the 64-player one more specifically) for quite a while now
I'm on the server every day for at least 7-8 hours

Quite while now means a week.

(Hi, welcome on the forums)
road to play
Feels longer...
Hello and welcome Road,

A week isn't that long you silly tongue.gif Try being more active on the servers (and teamspeak) biggrin.gif And I suggest sticking to one nickname for now, makes it easier for us.

Good luck on your application!
road to play
Ah, I was actually thinking of changing to "road to play (last road)" when I get to 59 haha. Well, we'll see... tongue.gif
If you keep changing it you will make it harder for us to keep an eye out for you like you stated in your first post.
road to play
Fair enough, fair enough. I'll keep it as it is for now but I will be changing it once I get to 60. There's no more "road to play" at 60 so there's no need for the name. I might go to my original name or shorten it to "Roady" (as people have been calling me for some time now) but there's no need to worry about that right now.
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