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Full Version: abusive ban 64 server
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hey guys I'm an old time player on your 64 limited archer server, donate regularly to keep it up and floating and never brake any rules,

today i was banned because i had high ping whit the following message : " ping, idiot ", my IP was not banned just temporarily for this minor offense since its been two hours and I'm still banned

I would like this abusive ban lifted and I would like to file a complaint against this mod that doesn't seem to respect the players, because calling me an idiot on top of banning me is a little over the top

my in-game name is Brave Sir Robin, my steam

thank you
The ban is mine, excuse my choice of words in the last part.

You played around with ~230 ping, I kicked you with the "Ping" message, you rejoined, I repeated my process.

After quite a couple of rejoins and not a single word from you in chat or change in ping I decided to ban you.

It was a NetID ban and can only be lifted through a server restart.

Next time you play please check your ping and don't be a fool like the rest. I've seen many people ignoring my "Fix your ping" kicks and not for a second thought this time would be any different.
>My reply got duplicated, ignore this one<
Whatever the circumstances you should always keep it civil and polite, you are the moderator not the fire starter,
I was just testing to see if my ping was going to stabilize or keep fluctuating, i would have left on my own without you pulling the gun on me,
and again you say that the others are fools ? i don't know about that ... I'm going to let it go because you seem frustrated with the player base
and vented your frustration on me, understandable i guess but believe it or not, not all the people on internet are idiots or fools, some are even highly intelligent.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
The strange thing is, I see a permaban for "Brave Sir Robin" with the message "Racist language Perma ban". Perhaps it's for another player?
Brave Sir Robin is quite a commonly used name, right Robin? biggrin.gif
Scaramouche the sea lion
Come on gentlemen, we all know both of you. Brave sir Robin is a regular and I have nothing to report about him and Marsche is a good senior admin.
I guess the increasing amount of steamsales newbies on SM server has somehow sometimes exasperated our behaviour while we are patroling the server (me too, I became so nervous some of these days).

Brave, just the last thing: sometimes it happens to be kicked for ping. Usually the admin who kicks you (it happened to me when I was not on SM) adds the "fix-your-ping" message to the kick. I would be an useful thing for both the player and the admin if the player answers the request to fix the ping once he rejoins.

I hope this issue will come to a respectful and polite end.

Sir Robin (not so brave)
Come to think of it... I don't know what you mean biggrin.gif

Is there some kind of scheduled restart?
I guess there are a couple of sir robin, this is a famous Monty Pyhton character, but I never ever use any racist or even slightly offensive language,
those that know me or play with me on this server can vouch for this, the ban message was " ping, idiot ", why wright this if you are banning me for racism ?
and if I'm being banned for something racist I said, I demand to see the chat log that prove it,
this all look like some case of mistaken identity to me, but no matter I just want to know when can I expect the ban to be lifted ?
I banned you for ignoring my ping kicks, the racism ban was on another player nicknamed the same.

Your ban will be lifted.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Vence/Brave Sir Robin told me that he was able to join the server, so we can close this topic. Thank you to all involved.
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