Not trying to be the devils advocate here but, getting teamkilled (in any game) can be pretty frustrating. Now I myself don't teamkill the person who killed me but it sure annoys me in certain situations such as getting a killstreak, flanking the enemy team, getting teamkilled repetitively etc. I can understand that you needed to 'vent' by shooting an arrow in his back but that doesn't really help the situation that being said I am pretty sure you're aware of that now (and hopefully before
That being said, if we unban people for racist language why shouldn't this person deserve a second chance as well
Regarding the no warning, a warning is visually pointed at you when you join the server. For future reference, ask an admin for help if you get teamkilled (on purpose!)
In case you're wondering why we're so 'harsh' on the (revenge) teamkilling it is because it will create a storm where people will become Keyboard Justice Warriors and feel the need to teamkill the teamkiller. Example of this Sir_Big_DickKnight_420 teamkills Capt 420x0x0xpuss3yslay3r, now Nice Guy Fedora witnesses this and goes ''HOW DARE YOU, I SHALL AVENGE YOU M'LADY'' and teamkills Sir_Big_DickKnight_420, who then goes ''Oi u fucken w0t m8, I'll fucken shank u, u silly kont'' then proceeds to stab Nice Guy Fedora in the back while spamming laugh. Followed by an admin named =SM= Porky, ''THOU SAL NOT KILL THY BRETHREN, I MUST BANISH THEE WITH MY BANHAMMER, BEGONE FILTHY PEASANT!'' Basically this happens
Yes, I am bored