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Full Version: hosting probs
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
i was reading somewhere that the is getting overloaded, hence it was going down so often last month. i was thinking i do have a web server at home where one could host the site temporarily until the website is hosted someplace else. my only problem is bandwith of course, but if the battlerecorder demos are saved to and the forums on the local pc, that might be an option

if its on the same internet connection as the one you use for personal web browsing/online gaming, you may have problems with your pings

however its a v good idea as it means minimal down time for site for when this site crashes again smile.gif
thanks for the offer smile.gif I've also got a DL385 knocking around at home (!) but since my internet connection is sketchy at the best of times I couldn't host there.

The main problem is bandwidth - the website, battlerecorder even people connecting to the server (where the server graphic is loaded from the website etc.,) create bandwidth. The webhosts allow a fast connection to upload stuff (well 10mbps) - a typical UK connection while being 8mb/16mb down is still probably less than 0.5 for uploading. This means at the end of each round the server would lag harshly as it tries to FTP the battlerecorder files to a site hosted on a home connection. (it would lag everything up for about 3-5 minutes)

For usage stats, speaking of january (including various downtime), we had:

Total Hits 919021
Total Files 619816
Total Pages 266289
Total Visits 8125
Total KBytes 15945178

Total Unique Sites 17364
Total Unique URLs 1119
Total Unique Referrers 406
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 435

Basically 16gb per month traffic in and out.

While more reliable hosts exist, for out purposes they need a fat pipe for battlerecorder, high uptime and need to be cheap. I can find plenty of hosts that can offer uptime/bandwidth but the charges for them are extreme. Also some webhosts won't allow battlerecorder content.

There's some other funny requirements, such as SSL certificates for the shop, php4.7, php5, MySQL, etc., but this is all fairly minor in lieu of bandwidth.

As a side note, to reduce bandwitdh the site is load balanced across 2 domains (kind of like a web cluster) but I may revise this as I suspect if one domain fails it takes the other offline meaning we are twice as likely to suffer downtime.

Any suggestions or comments, give us a shout smile.gif

QUOTE(Magik5 @ Feb 7 2008, 10:11 AM) *
if its on the same internet connection as the one you use for personal web browsing/online gaming, you may have problems with your pings

however its a v good idea as it means minimal down time for site for when this site crashes again smile.gif

fair point. i can run it say, mornings only?
and like i said, there is only 5GB or BW available on it, so no room for battlerecorder demos. all the certificates i guess can be installed from third party software or packages. i have xampp

oh BTW can anyone help me out? i'm trying to do a https web page to login to this site, any good pdf manuals anyone knows about?
QUOTE(MonkeyFiend @ Feb 7 2008, 11:38 AM) *
a typical UK connection while being 8mb/16mb down is still probably less than 0.5 for uploading. This means at the end of each round the server would lag harshly as it tries to FTP the battlerecorder files to a site hosted on a home connection. (it would lag everything up for about 3-5 minutes)

True, but i guess battlerecorder files cant be uploaded through the connection

QUOTE(MonkeyFiend @ Feb 7 2008, 11:38 AM) *
For usage stats, speaking of january (including various downtime), we had:

Total Hits 919021
Total Files 619816
Total Pages 266289
Total Visits 8125
Total KBytes 15945178

Total Unique Sites 17364
Total Unique URLs 1119
Total Unique Referrers 406
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 435

Basically 16gb per month traffic in and out.


QUOTE(MonkeyFiend @ Feb 7 2008, 11:38 AM) *
As a side note, to reduce bandwitdh the site is load balanced across 2 domains (kind of like a web cluster) but I may revise this as I suspect if one domain fails it takes the other offline meaning we are twice as likely to suffer downtime.

Any suggestions or comments, give us a shout smile.gif


well, uh.... mellow.gif
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