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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
name : Raso
Steam profile link:
Age: 21
Region: EU West
Reason For Applying: I love chivalry medieval warfare , and i'd like to help the community and make this game better.
I also have played this game for 770+ hours , and I am still very active (5/6) hours a day.
i also got previous moderator/admin experiences on Gmod, on a TTT server called : Never Trust Hannah.
this server had 900 members in their steam group, and a total of 12.000 players.
I have read the rules and I wanna make SM better , thats why i would like to help this community! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Hello there, raso!

SM members will now hold a vote on you joining us and becoming and admin. This will take some time, a week or two maybe. In the mean time, you could acquaint yourself with SM members, add them as friends on steam, have a chat, and maybe even join them on TS or Discord.

Have fun and be patient smile.gif

What nicknames do you usually use?
Most common nickname = Raso , i have been using this one for about 4 months now rolleyes.gif
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