May 31 2016, 02:02 PM
I have been quite a regular on the 64 p server and had a blast! Some 2 or 3 weeks ago I was banned, and it seems like permanently for initiating a vote kick at the start of the round for the 100 % team damager. Kick notification was " for useless votes..." or something similar. I though this was temporary measure but after said period I came back to see I am still banned.
I am not sure where does it state that kicking trigger happy comrade is a crime, let alone useless activity. My chivalry code distinguishes comrades with 25% td or above as a not a nice person to keep in the team, considering that team damage does only half the damage, so the real number is above 50%.
Admin who banned me might argue that everyone hacks and slashes at the first half a minute of the round, but that is not a case. Only 1-2 people are that desperate and cant wait for opposing faction. Some multiplayer games deal with this harshly - instadeath for attacking teammates within certain amount of time ( like counter strike 1.6)
Please remove the ban and explain what reasonable period of time after round start should the team endure before a vote kick cast would be "useful" for a 100 % team damager.
Best regards,
Zeta Reticuli
May 31 2016, 03:12 PM
What was your TD at the time?
I've seen plenty of players kicking or attacking a teammate, only to provoke them to attack back, then promptly votekicking them so it shows 100% TD.
If an admin decided such a vote was worth of a ban, I feel he was able to check the circumstances called for it.
Let's see if the admin who banned you comes here and gives his version.
May 31 2016, 03:31 PM
I am sure that my kd rate at that time was 0%, moreover my average td per round rarely breaches 8 %.
May 31 2016, 03:54 PM
I will check log if it is me who put a ban.
I will let you know.
May 31 2016, 04:29 PM
I checked the logs it seem i did put that ban.
I did not quite remember but , someone was trolling people on spawn point where doing foot kick and voting for them to kick out from game.
Many times i face those actions and most of them ended with ban like yourself.
You should'nt kick your comrades on spawnpoint where map objective starts.If you do , you will get 100% team damage and there is no way people understand that so you will get kick.If you troll people when map starts and get a foot kick or a hit on a map start , comrade of yours will get same amount of team damage as well (100% )
So , there is no specific time to not kicking your comrades where map objective starts.Also you should't troll your comrades because you can vote against them so , your comrades can get kick from game session by other's votes.
If you do the same action , ban will be permanent and applying for ban appeal won't change the result.
I assume you learn what you are looking for , therefore i will lift the ban in 24 hours.
Jun 1 2016, 04:45 AM
Thanks, for ban lift.
I understand there are trolls and they have to be dealt with. This was probably a misunderstanding as I am pretty sure that none of the regulars would identify me as a troll.
Thanks and regards,
Jun 1 2016, 01:42 PM
Your ban has been lifted some time ago.
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