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Full Version: spoilers worse than racism?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > General > Public Discussion
So, let me make myself clear first up so there is no confusion, i am not questioning your judgment on my ban for spoilers regarding game of thrones, you guys have rules i broke them, therefore i am banned for the foreseeable future. however i am questioning as to why i have seen warnings given out on the server for racism, and have seen bans lifted after an appeal on the forums for racist language. I am just curious as to the logic behind the two punishments? is that what admins are instructed to do? does this vary between admins? because in my head it just doesn't add up and i cant see how a spoiler is an instant permaban but racist language is a warning, then ban but has a chance to appeal. now don't get me wrong there is a high probability that i am misinformed and what i have stated is incorrect but from a brief look at the ban appeals it seems that you are more likely to be unbanned if you were banned for racism than if you are banned for spoilers, so if spoilers is a permaban with no chance to appeal then shouldn't racism be the same?

The Malefic Trout
This is wrong, racist language = instant ban, the duration's up to an admin but if it's severe, and it usually is, it's permanent. Yes there are cases when a warning is given first but this is also dependant on the case and individual admin's discretion.

As for why we recently started to treat spoiling so sternly - read here: but now I see you already did that and still created this thread in the morning.

It seems to me we're hesitant to lift the ban because you don't seem to take it seriously - that's an impression I get and I personally don't even care that much since it's not my ban. So perhaps a change of attitude would help here. But hey that's me.
I don't really know how you came to the assumption that i don't care that much, seeing as for the past 2 days i have been appealing to no avail, as to 'perhaps a change of attitude would help there' what attitude exactly? and how am i not taking it seriously? i have put a decent amount of effort into my appeal, not really sure what else i can do to show that i care? if you have any ideas please let me know and i will give it a go. However, my ban isn't relevant as i stated earlier: 'let me make myself clear first up so there is no confusion, i am not questioning your judgment on my ban for spoilers regarding game of thrones, you guys have rules i broke them, therefore i am banned for the foreseeable future.' i didn't make this thread to argue my ban, i thought that was pretty obvious, although it is pretty early in the morning so perhaps you misread it. I was merely questioning the logic behind the punishments, which you didn't really help with, in fact you caused further confusion: 'This is wrong, racist language = instant ban' but then went on to say ' Yes there are cases when a warning is given first' so i think it is fair to say that i am correct when i said ' i have seen warnings given out on the server for racism' so, i pose the question yet again, are spoilers considered more of an offence than racism? because the punishments and leniency sure suggests so. continuing with this point, does this make me worst than a racist? because i revealed some information about an episode of game of thrones a week after it aired?

Regards, PANDA
The Malefic Trout
I am still confused as to why you're even comparing these two things.

We do not have to warn you, ever. It's pretty much our good will to do so, but we definitely don't have to - it's your responsibility to read the rules. And it's up to us to decide what punishment should be given. It's as simple as that, our servers, our rules. There's no point in comparing racism to spoiling, it's quite silly actually. So stop that, if you may.

GoT is a popular show, and some people have a lot of responsibilities and can't watch it right after it aired, and people like you come and start GoT coversations instead of going to reddit where there are threads dedicated to discussing recent episodes. You don't have to do it in-game, especially, if you read the thread I linked to carefully, that Monkey has to read through all conversations and had every episode spoiled.

So to summarize: your question is idiotic, sorry, perhaps that's why I can't answer that. And it's up to that specific admin to decide what the punishment should be, and we do not question each other's decisions. So yes, if an admin feels you should get a longer ban for trying to spark a GoT conversation (which would obviously happen given your name) which would surely turn into a spoilfest, it's their decision, they can do that, and they may also feel that dropping a single racist word (let's say: quoting movies) deserves a shorter ban. Does that make one offence better or worse than the other? No. At least in my book.

I can't put this any more simple than that: we decide what the punishment should be, your responsibility as a player is to respect the rules.

There's nothing I can do here and while we're open to discussion, I'd prefer a more reasonable one.

One last thing: warnings are often given for things we consider borderline racist, not quite there, but we usually stop the discussion there to prevent things from getting worse. That's what I meant.
racists on your servers are given a seconds chance, and people with the name of Hold the door HODOR are not? i'm fully aware you are going to reply with 'why are you still comparing these two things' and my reason for comparing them is that racism in the UK is considered a hate crime, it is an actual crime, and it is ridiculous that they are given second chances for that very reason. i once saw a warning given out for someone writing 'lynch the n-word' in chat (nothing borderline about that). I find it absolutely mental that this person is given a warning whereas i am permabanned? let me refer back once again to how i opened the thread, i am not questioning my ban, it is fair enough if that's how you are going to discipline those who break rules, i am stating that it is wrong for you to give warnings and accept appeals for racism. If you accept racism appeals, then hell, anything anyone has ever done on your servers must be worthy of a second chance. To finalize, if i don't get a second chance for revealing a spoiler, then a racist shouldn't either. once again, i will reiterate the fact that i am not arguing against my ban, a point you seem to keep forgetting. It really does seem that some of the SM admins truly believe that someone that reveals a spoiler (such as myself) is as bad as a racist, something that is uncomprehendable from my point of view
This is a private server, not a country.
First of all , i get your idea to making how i get unbanned from this position.

It is really clever move , i can give you that.

If i look literally , while we are giving 2nd chance to offensive racism , why should not we give 2nd chance to spoilers ?

That is very good thought or a question.

But answer is not that simple.

Those offensive racist words are 1 of the 2 main rules in the server.When server is created for chiv , there were 2 main rules , it was one of them.We made it clear , people agreed or not.

Problem was for many players using "n" words in game chat was not intented to offensive way.We are not 100% sure for it but when you surf over net you will see "n" words almost every website , most likely as joke or common urban words.

That is why players who deserve 2nd chance.As side not ; if an admin believe it was intended use to as offensive , there will be NO 2nd chance for those player/s.

About spoiler ;

It is not related to offensive racism..It is about trolling people to get spoiler and make them not enjoy from the tv-show.

While you were not typing spoiler as sentences in a chat screen , your nickname had a spoiler.So you should have think that it is spoiler and i am ruining someone's enjoyment from tv-show.

I don't care that tv-show episode released 1 week ago or more.Maybe a player was a sick and it was on hospital for 3 weeks, then joined the chivalry for getting stress out for a bit.DANG , player saw your name and he/she thought "wow could it be the reason why he -HODOR- got that name. ? ". Because after 6 years later you learn his name story and what is behind on it.

So it is a big spoiler for that player, isn't it ?

don't you think that you are the only one who can bend words for benefit of yours.
Adding for banning spoilers that yes they are trolls (as mentioned) or or they just lack common sense. In my experience in real life as well spoilers are just as hated as racists.

Heh, maybe admins should add third main rule for server "Use your common sense".
The Malefic Trout
Not as a third big rule, but it's actually there:

How many times do i have to repeat that i am not attempting to get unbanned, i was curious as to the logic behind the fact racism seems less serious as a spoiler. As for lack of common sense, yes i can agree that there was a lack of common sense on my part, i've never tried to deny this. Looking back at it, Porsuk, you are correct in saying that in some cases a week isn't enough to get a chance to watch the episode. I have seen many people argue that if you are playing a game then you clearly have time, but they should have the freedom to watch it when they wish, perhaps they were late comers the series and are several seasons behind. I did not think about others and their situations, and for that apologise. I thank you for your response Porsuk, you made more sense than Trout who confused me further by contradicting himself. It makes more sense to me when you spoke of 'trolling' i suppose there must be lots of people who get a kick out of ruining shows and movies for people, i expect these are the same people that consistently troll on my duelyard. With this in mind and my past experiences with trolls, i can understand your logic behind the ban because of this. Thank you Porsuk for your clarity on the subject and also for your time.
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