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Full Version: Banned from the server 64 slot Chivalry
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals

I was just banned (I think? It says my IP is banned for this session) for "racism. we all know you were trying to avoid it". I had just joined and saw some whining so I wrote "damn you naggers".
If this was interpreted as racism I apologize, it was not meant that way.


The Malefic Trout
Hello Sven, welcome to the forum.

The way we operate, in case the admin who banned you doesn't respond in a few days, the ban will be temporarily lifted. Temporarily, because if the said member decides the ban should be reinstated it will be so. That most likely won't happen so don't worry.

Please use that time to learn the rules by heart so we don't have any misunderstandings in the future:

Thanks! smile.gif
Ok thanks for the update smile.gif

Any chance it will be lifted before the weekend?
Kinda odd you got banned for saying naggers which isn't racist, just means people who nag(complain) lol.
Hello Sven ,

I assume your nickname in game was Sven you had banned ?

If that so , let me know so i can lift your ban off.

I think it's Sven or SvenUSA
QUOTE (Sven @ Apr 23 2016, 05:53 PM) *
I think it's Sven or SvenUSA

Your ban should have lifted by now , if you have any trouble to login please let me know.
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